The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Open Toed Shoe Pledge

Hands on your hearts for this one please ladies....

(Remember, if you don't take this pledge, the above picture could one day resemble you!!!)
The Open Toed Shoe Pledge
As a member of the Cute Shoes Sisterhood, I pledge to follow the Rules when wearing sandals and other open-toe shoes:

I promise to always wear sandals that fit. My toes will not hang over and touch the ground, nor will my heels spill over the backs. And the sides and tops of my feet will not pudge out between the straps.

I will go polish-free or vow to keep the polish fresh, intact and chip-free. I will not cheat and just touch up my big toe.

I will sand down any mounds of skin before they turn hard and yellow.

I will pluck any hairs off my big toe.

I won't wear pantyhose even if my misinformed girlfriend, coworker, mother or sister tells me the toe seam really will stay under my toes if I tuck it there.

If a strap breaks, I won't duct-tape, pin, glue or tuck it back into place hoping it will stay put. I will get my shoe fixed or toss it.

I will not live in corn denial; rather I will lean on my good friend Dr. Scholl's if my feet need him.

I will resist the urge to buy jelly shoes at Payless for the low, low price of $4.99 even if my feet are small enough to fit into the kids' sizes. This is out of concern for my safety, and the safety of others. No one can walk properly when standing in a pool of sweat and I would hate to take someone down with me as I fall and break my ankle.

I will take my toe ring off toward the end of the day if my toes swell and begin to look like Vienna sausages.

I will be brutally honest with my girlfriend/sister/coworker when she asks me if her feet are too ugly to wear sandals. Someone has to tell her that her toes are as long as my fingers and no sandal makes creepy feet look good.

I will promise if I wear flip flops that I will ensure that they actually flip and flop, making the correct noise while walking and I will swear NOT to slide or drag my feet while wearing them.

I will promise to go my local nail salon at least once per season and have a real pedicure.

I will promise to throw away any white/off-white sandals that show signs of wear... nothing is tackier than dirty white sandals.
Please don't keep this to yourself - pass it on to other sisters.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Better late then never!

I came down with another cold on Friday which meant that the only time I left the house on the weekend was to do some grocery shopping. I spent the restof the weekend in bed sleeping, reading or watching Charmed on TV (it was a Charmed weekend!!!! YAY! I love that! 7 hours of Charmed a day… does it get any better???? I don’t think so!)

Speaking of Charmed, it’s the LAST EVER show on Thursday night.

I’m really quite devastated.

Anyway, I had a quiet weekend which was exactly what I needed. I woke up yesterday like someone had flicked a switch – wide awake and ready to jump out of bed & take on the world – when does that ever happen to me??? Even more amazing, I was 20 mins early to work, if that isn't a miracle, I don't know what is.

Now, I didn't get around to posting my opinion of X3 yet so here goes....

Me: We have to stay to the end of the credits – there’s supposed to be something really cool at the end.
(silence as we watch the never ending credits roll past)
Me: Wow – there were a lot of people who worked on this movie!
MH: Yeah, I know!!! … Makes me feel kind of bad that I’m about to bag it out now….

Concerned questioning revealed that she only wanted to bag out the way Kitty runs (fair call – I was going to do that too) and the corn factor.

Now, I probably wouldn’t make a good movie reviewer, I get totally caught up in movies as I just have way too much imagination and I very rarely get to see movies in the cinema (or even at home on DVD for that matter) so anything I get to see in the cinema is at least ‘really good’ so far as I am concerned.

Having said that, X-Men 3 …. Fucking ROCKED.

Sure there are bits where even I was sitting there wincing at the corn factor and a few times where I was left scratching my head at the holes / changes in the plot (if you ever read the comics you will know what I mean) (yes, I read a few of the comics – sh*t up), but overall, I totally rate this movie. Don't go see it if you want to be intellectually challenged - thats not what this is about. If you like your movies with much action but no blood (I don’t like the sight of blood) then kids, this is the movie for you. It might not be quite as good as X2, but hot damn!

First up - Wolverine fucking rocks – I’ll have me some of that thanks. I totally love Logan (ok, Hugh Jackman too, but I actually do like his character in this movie) and not one other mutant would use the line ‘Who’s the fur ball?’ regarding the Secretary of Mutant Affairs.

Phoenix is one freaky bitch when you stop to think about what she can do - she looks like the undead when she takes control of Jean - which is NOT how she is supposed to look(!) but its still very cool. Having said that, if you don’t read the comics, you wont already have this whole backstory in mind so you wont be upset at the changes and you’ll still be impressed. Poor Jean. *sniffle* The scenes in Jean’s house – holy mother of god! *wail* The lab scene is a bit of a turn on though, until it all gets a bit too freaky. You’ll see.

Storm… well… they still can’t get the hair right. We see a lot more of her then before. I particularly love her in the final fight scene against Callisto. Rogue annoys me for some reason, but you don’t see too much of her thank goodness. Pyro is an annoying little twat who needs to get his ass kicked much harder then he does. Iceman is actually kind of cute. :-)

Kitty runs almost as weirdly as I do – who even knew that was possible??? But I like her – a lot. I always liked her in the comics so its good to see they didn’t stuff her up on film. She’s pretty cute. Mystique – you see Rebecca naked – I don’t think anything else is going to matter about Mystique (to the guys at least) beyond that. Heh.

Magneto … God he is so cool. Twisted, but cool. 4 doses? (You’ll understand when you’ve seen the movie) He rips the SHIT out of the town. The chick who locks her car door is slightly amusing too – given what you’ve just seen, that’s going to do exactly what, sweetheart???

Prof. X made me cry. Beast looks like a character that should have his own stuffed toy out on the market until we get to the final fight and then he kicks some ass – not as much as the others, but he still does a pretty good job.

And speaking of the final fight – holy crap that was great – there was shit happening every which way you looked. Sure there will be bits where you wince but oh boy oh boy oh boy! I love big fight scenes… can you tell???? I can’t say too much more about it but holy hell the Xmen kicked some serious quantities of mutant ass!

Sentinels make a brief appearance! As does the fastball special! (Yay!) It does feel a little rushed at times and a little slow at others but it’s workable. At the end of the movie as you tally up who died and who lost their powers, you’ll have to be at least a little distraught or I don’t think you can say you are human.

The final scenes – Oh. My. God. *cries*

This is really frustrating, I can’t say too much as I don’t want to spoil it for you. In short – it’s good … Run; don’t walk to your nearest cinema kids.

*Oh - and just for Treespotter - weather on the weekend was kinda crap. Today its sunny but fucking cold.


Reason number 8765490 not to share a house…

When MH moved out, she arranged for a Spanish chick to take over her room. I nicknamed her ‘Ole’ as I couldn’t remember her fucking name and it’s impossible to pronounce her name without sounding like you’re trying to hack up some phlegm. Anyway, Ole moved in and we all thought she seemed ok, however, there are a few little things that are starting to get to me….

1. She borrowed one of my towel sets without asking.

This did result in some raised eyebrows – it’s a little rude to say the least, however, I was ok with it as I know she has a shitty job and couldn’t really afford to go out and buy everything she needed straight up – LH loaned her sheets, pillow & doona, so towels just weren’t a big issue for me (I wash everything with disinfectant anyway so all good) after all, I knew where she lived so getting them back shouldn’t be a problem….. This weekend however, I needed the clothes dryer and I took her stuff out of it (as it was dry) and in amongst her clothes was my towels.

Now we’ll forget the fact that she was washing my iced-mint green towels with her BLACK clothes – I’m not even going there although it does seem to have dulled the colour a little, what I am seriously fucking pissed off about right now, is the fact that she has at some stage dyed her hair….. and used my towels…..

Each one of those towels cost me £80 (shut up – I love towels and they were worth every penny), on her wage, there is no fucking way she is going to be able to afford to replace them for me – so what do I do??? I might as well just let her have them now as there is no way I’m going to use them – I have a set of dark brown towels that I use for the first week after I have had my hair dyed, specifically so that I don’t stain any of my light towels. This does however go against the grain –she not only took them without asking, she is never going to be able to return them to me in the same condition as they were in when she took them and she is never going to be able to afford to replace them!

Seriously not fucking happy right now, let me tell you.

2. Every morning she asks me for milk.

I know how petty that sounds so let me explain – every. Single. Morning. She asks me for milk and every. Single. Morning. I tell her I don’t have any…I walk into the kitchen and she asks me for milk, I explain that I don’t drink milk and I don’t use it so I don’t buy it…She asked me today, yesterday, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that and the day before that…

Finally, this morning I decided it was time to change the ending of the conversation…

Ole: Giggles, you have milk?? You have milk I can borrow???
Me: Nope, sorry, I don’t drink it and I don’t use it so I don’t buy any.
Ole: Ohhh, ok.
Me: But you know what Ole??? We had this conversation yesterday - and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that, going alllll the way back to the day after you moved in. In all that time, I have always said that I don’t use milk, but you know something else?? YOU use milk Ole, and you’ll use it tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that… so here’s a thought, why don’t you go and fucking buy some?

At that point I walked out of the kitchen. No, I didn’t slam the door – aren’t I good?????

3. She takes food.

MH, LH and I had a system going – we ate each others food all the time. So long as we didn’t finish anything off without warning whoever owned it that it was all gone, it wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t that we did our grocery shopping together or anything, we just were all good friends and we didn’t have a problem with sharing. The only time the eating each others food thing has been a problem was the day I came home from work looking forward to having 2 M&S chocolate puddings for dinner (I was PMS’ing – leave me alone) and discovered that LH & MH had eaten them both…. They did however immediately run up to M&S to replace them for me, which I thought was very nice….

Most of my housemates are pretty cool – even NM & his GF know that they can use sauces/herbs/seasonings from my cupboard if they need to but they would never actually touch my food.

Ole however, has not had this invitation extended to her and if it was just sauces etc, I really wouldn’t care, but she made a couple of very bad mistakes… first, she ate my oranges, then, she ate the fresh pasta I had Frenchie pick up for me from Harrods, then, she made the biggest mistake of all – she ate my Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-cream……I don’t trust myself to take this up with her just yet… I’m going to wait until I calm down….. AH caught her going into their cupboard yesterday and taking food from there so it’s not just me that she’s doing this to. It’s not really a consolation….

3. She drinks other peoples booze without so much as a ‘by your leave’.

I don’t care what nationality you are, this is just plain bad form. It might actually be worse then not standing your round at the pub. If you want a drink but you don’t have any booze, you ask – politely, if you can have some, but she doesn’t ask, she just takes.

She drank an entire bottle of AH’s scotch the other night. It was a new bottle and she drank the whole damn thing. For such a tiny girl, she sure can bloody drink! She should have been dead or something; I’m fucked if I know how she did it.

We all used to keep our alcohol in the freezer or sitting on the bench top in the corner – we all know what’s ours and what is someone else’s so it’s never been a problem before now. However as she drinks anything in sight, we’ve all had to start keeping it in our cupboards – seeing as our cupboards aren’t safe though, I guess we’re going to have to start keeping it in our bedrooms. This seriously shits me.

4. She whinges about freezer & fridge space.

She has her part of the fridge – she has the same amount of room that I do and the freezer is only shared between 3 of us as the others use a different one. It has never been a problem before but she keeps fucking complaining about not having room… Frenchie doesn’t keep anything in there at all, I use about ½ a shelf with my stuff… that leaves her the rest of the freezer and she still bloody whinges… as if that’s not enough, she doesn’t close the fucking thing properly which means it is hardly unusual to come home and find water all over the floor where its all defrosted.

5. She leaves food out uncovered and windows open.

Why not name the cockroaches instead of just issuing a blanket invitation?????

Fucking disgusting pig.

Why do I get the feeling that it’s all going to come to a head soon??????

Friday, May 26, 2006

Holy Crap - I'm pissed!

Yesterday we ended up at the pub for lunch for one of my workmates birthday.

Today we ended up there becaus eit's Friday.

I was the only girl.

I really yhave to learn to NOT try to keep up with the boys someitmes.

Why do I get the feeling that I am not going to get any work done this afternoon?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well well well

Today I learnt 2 very interesting things -

1. Pandora's box should never be opened.

You'd think I would have learnt this by now but nope, I failed the test. Sometimes, just because you can ask the question, doesn't mean you should ask the question.

You really should let sleeping dogs lie, because sometimes, the truth really does hurt.

2. I do actually get jealous.

I have never, ever been jealous before.

Yes, I'm talking about real, dark, malignant envy.

I really hope I never do suffer from it again. I'm actually quite disturbed at just how negative and unreasonable an emotion it is. The fact that I know how stupid it is to feel this way, really doesn't seem to help much.

How odd.

How wrong.

I don't like this very much.

And I have no one but myself to blame.

No. I don't want to discuss specifics. Thanks anyway.

*Edit / note / whatever – just to clarify…

Yesterday I went looking for the answer to a question when I already knew what the answer was going to be.

I really shouldn’t have because the particular situation that it was about doesn’t exist anymore and that makes it pretty damn irrelevant to the current situation anyway. So really, it was stupid to go looking and it was even more stupid to feel the way I did when I got the answer.

There’s a difference between knowing and ‘KNOWING’ – if it had still been relevant, then yes, I would have wanted to 'KNOW' and I damn well should have gone looking, as it wasn’t, I should have just left it alone.

My own fault and I am over it now – I took some time last night to put it all into perspective and all is well with the world again.

YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!

I am going to see this tonight

Yeah baby!!!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I'm sorry, I have been trying really hard not to post about this lately, but right now I am just SO fucking horny I could die.

And today makes it 365 days since I last had sex.

Fucking wonderful.

Excuse me while I go shoot myself.

Waiting to see....

So, yesterday afternoon I went to speak to the recruitment company… that was interesting… I don’t like being kept waiting for ½ an hour in a meeting room because my consultant was busy – plan your fucking day better woman!

While I was sitting there waiting however, my phone rang (normally I would turn it off but I forgot to) I answered it and it was someone else from that same recruitment company who had just seen my CV, calling to ask if I would like to come in and talk to them about a job… I explained that I was actually sitting in one of their meeting rooms at the moment, waiting to talk to someone… As soon as I hung up from her, before I even had a chance to turn my phone off, it rang again, I answered it… it was a guy from the same bloody recruitment company calling to ask if I’d like to come in to talk to him about a job… WTF??? Do these people not talk to each other??? I had the exact same conversation with him as I had with the other woman and then turned my phone off as soon as I hung up.


Is it just me?? Am I being really picky?? I mean, it’s great that they all want to talk to me, but I just wonder how efficient they can actually be if no one knows what anyone else in the company is actually doing. How many stupid phone calls like that a day do they make when they could be doing something else – like finding people jobs for example?

See how we go. I wasn’t terribly impressed by the woman I ended up speaking to (someone other then the person I originally spoke to). Besides from the fact that she kept me waiting for ½ an hour, I just wasn’t terribly inspired by her in general, she looked absolutely shattered, like she’d had a huge night the night before.

Meh - fingers crossed anyway.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So what’s it to be??? Fat Ass?? Or Cancer???

It’s a tough choice….

I like chocolate – GOOD chocolate mainly, but in a pinch I’ll settle for anything. Lindt dark chocolate, Cadbury’s Whole Hazelnut Bars, Peppermint Freddo Frogs, Cherry Ripes, Crunchies, Green & Blacks Maya Gold or White with Vanilla…. I love them all. However, as someone was kind enough to point out to me recently, if I keep eating all that shit, I’m ‘gonna get a fat ass’.

The other day I had a chocolate craving – a really, REALLY bad one. Now all the ladies can relate to this I’m sure – we all get them every so often and this one was just crippling me with need.

I fought it for as long as I could and then finally went to the machine in the lunch room only to discover… (insert horror theme music of choice here) … it was EMPTY of chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!


Chips just weren’t going to cut it – I didn’t want Cheese and Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Lightly Salted, Crinkle Cut – I didn’t want ANY of them.

I needed sugar god damnit!

The only sweet thing in the machine was a little something called a ‘Go Ahead’ Bar – a “delicious yogurt flavour topping on light crispy biscuit with a sultana and strawberry filling”…

I have to admit I did consider just ripping open a few sachets of sugar and eating it straight but there was just way too many people standing in the kitchen at the time who were already looking at me strangely since I let lose with a whimper of pain upon seeing the lack of chocolate that to have done so would have left them thinking I was totally nuts.

So in sheer desperation, I purchased a ‘Go Ahead’ bar… I must admit I wasn’t getting my hopes up too high… how wrong I was.

Sweet Mary Mother Of God those things are so damn sweet I nearly threw up! Only 2g of fat and 72 kcal per slice, I don’t even need to worry about what it’ll do to my ass – I burn more energy then that just typing for gods sake.

The only down side is they are probably going to give me cancer – there are so many fucking chemicals in them that I refuse to believe that anyone could actually say they are ‘good for you’ and still keep a straight face.

So, what’s it to be??? Fat ass, or cancer????


Ummm… no particular reason for that, I’m just in a great mood.

Actually it’s a little odd just how good a mood I am in, the last time I was this happy I was looking at half a kilo of grade A Charlie erm just had sex uh, was hanging out with friends at home.

However 3 good / amusing things happened today before I got to work –

1) I woke up (always a good thing in itself) and a BeeGee’s song I love was playing on the radio (shuddup – I love the BeeGee’s and I’m not ashamed to admit it)

2) As the bus went past a park a saw a dog walking its human woman walking her dog and it was nearly as big as she was, so she was half bent over running to keep up with this dog that was just trotting along quite happily. I giggled for a good 5 mins over that one.

3) I saw 3 squirrels.

So, yesterday I FINALLY got around to calling another recruitment company to talk to them about getting a new job. I spoke to them for about 5 minutes on the phone yesterday and the woman couldn’t stop gushing about what a wonderful phone voice I have (hey – everyone’s got their something!) so I emailed my CV at about 4.55pm and they called me this morning at 7.30 to see if I could come in for an interview… WTF??? 7.30am???? Who calls at such an uncivilised hour?

I missed the call as I was in the shower and my phone was in my handbag so they finally got a hold of me at 8.30. I tried to arrange the interview for tomorrow but they asked if today would be ok instead – very odd.

Anyway, I have an interview with the agency this afternoon so fingers crossed for me! The really funny thing is that they wanted one reference for each company you have worked for in the last 5 years – I’ve only worked for one company in the last 5 years so that page looks a little sad. I might throw a couple of extras on there for them as I think they’re going to want more then one somehow….

Oh, I have made up my mind that I am staying here a little longer – a blogger pointed out to me yesterday that I haven’t actually made that official yet so please consider this to be the official announcement. I have no idea how long it will be for. I would like to be home in time for my birthday and that’s in October so probably only a few months.

Then I’ll be home in time for summer too….

Now all I have to do is call my boss back home & tell her I won’t be coming back like I was supposed to be… ack – I hate resigning!

Ok, yesterday I got a few emails from Treespotter asking what the heck a ‘cooee’ was and my explanation was fairly crap – it actually left him very confused. So I am going to let Wikipedia explain the concept of it now

Thanks again to Wikipedia - so handy! (Shut up Indy! I don't care how accurate it is! LOL)

Goodness but I found a lot to ramble about yesterday, didn’t I ??? And it seems that it’s continuing today.

I have yet to buy another phone since my last one got broken, I’m still using the old one which is nice as I actually know how to use that. I was playing with MH’s phone the other night (she got one of the new LG ‘Chocolate’ ones – it’s very cute but I had no clue how to use it. I wasn’t even very drunk at that stage either, which isn’t a good sign)

I have been looking at a few phones but frankly, I’m confused as hell about them all! My dad or my brother always buy them for me – I don’t think I have ever actually bought one myself and I have to tell you, there are just WAY too many choices!

Do I get one that I can change the covers on so I can match it to my outfit?? (No – that’s just wanky)

Do I get one that slides or flips open? (Which one will I be less likely to break while drunk?)

Will it fit in the designated little mobile phone holders in all my handbags?? (I hate having to fish for my phone in my handbag – I carry too much crap to be doing that!)

Do I get a pink one? (Because that won’t match if I am wearing red)

Do I get a black one?? (Because that won’t match when I’m wearing brown)

Does it really matter what fucking colour it is?? (It’s a god damn phone)

How many hours standby and talk time do I need…. not to mention memory? (What do I need ‘extra’ memory for anyway??? Can anyone tell me this??)

Do I really need special features?? (I can’t use them as I get all confused so why do I ‘need’ them?)

Does it have a camera function that I will actually know how to use and really, is that such a good idea considering how much I drink sometimes? (Because you know that’s going to cause problems)

Thank Christ I don’t need to worry about a plan – I think my head would explode if I had to work all that out at well!

BTW - Have you all noticed the whole linking thing I've got going on ???? Special thanks to Dusty, who gave me instructions on how to do it first and to Indy who actually sat there and walked me through it when I still managed to get all confused.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Is there a 12 step program for this?

Hi, my name is Giggles and I’m a serial drexter.

(‘Hello Giggles’)

I don’t quite know how I got to this point – it started off innocently enough – you know, you’d go out with a large group of friends and someone would go missing – so you’d text them to find out where they were so they could either make their way back or you could collect them.

Or sometimes, you’d go out with one group of friends and one of your other friends would be out also, so you’d arrange to meet up sometime during the night and so you would be texting your current location and anticipated next port of call to each other and trying to co-ordinate …

Then it became a texting of random thoughts to a friend who was out with another group of friends…

Sometimes, if K1 was out with her girls and I was out with mine, we’d even text funny things that had just happened… she even used to call to sing to me sometimes (“You are my sunshiiiiiine, my only sunshine, you make me haaaaaaappyyyy, when skies are greeeeey”).

Somehow, somewhere along the line, I have moved from despising text messaging to being addicted to it and I’m just not too sure how it happened.

It’s only recently that it's become a real problem for me. One of my friends asked me if it has something to do with alcohol intake but I don’t think so – I mean, that makes it worse, yes, but I do it even when I’m sober.

I know that I have to break this habit, its going to ruin my health. I know that admitting I have a problem is the first step, but I just can’t do it alone…. I’m really hoping you all can help me….

They're doing WHAT?

While reading today I came across an article on the ‘quintessential Aussie words’ that Microsoft is planning to include in its 2007 Microsoft Office System.

(Sorry – still no clue how to link, but it’s not hard to find the article if you haven’t read it. Actually, can anyone tell me how to link??? This is getting ridiculous. Ta)

Anyway, Microsoft got together a ‘panel of experts’ to decide which words should possibly be included… I have no idea who the hell these people talk to that they think these words are in such common use that they should be recognized by the spell check facility, but frankly, I’m disturbed.

Does anyone actually use ‘cooee’ ??? Ridgy-didge??? Bonza (of the ‘shit hot’ variety, I presume)??? Motza???? Sheila??? or Dinky-di??? And does anyone other then Alf Stewart use the word ‘Galah’ in any fashion other then to describe a particular form of avian species? And even if you are using it to denote a particular form of avian species, how often do you actually use it unless you are a vet, national parks ranger or a bird – errr - avian watcher???? Sheesh.

I live in hope that the people who do use those words regularly are the ones that can't afford a computer.

You can vote at as to which words (if any) you think should be included to facilitate the further mutilation of our language.



Fri night I went out for drinks with K2…. We started at the cocktail bar, with, funnily enough, cocktails… after several of them we ordered food (we were getting a little bit too happy) and then decided to switch to red wine. A bottle later, we decided to work our way around the block, stopping in at each bar we came across.

Do you know how many bars there are in a block in Covent Garden???????

The second bar we went to was a wine bar. We were a bit over red wine by then, so we ordered a bottle of champagne (very nice champagne it was too, might I add). The next bar we came across was the Walkabout (*groan*) we headed in there and switched to Smirnoff Black Ice (they aren’t as strong over here as they are back home so we had to have extras to make up for that.. apparently…) 4 of them, 2 vodka lime and soda’s and a blue ‘WKD’ (*gag*) later, we headed to the next bar. I don’t know what that place was called, but I do know they do a very nice raspberry daiquiri and a very nice Bellini….

At that point K2 decided to call it a night so we walked... erm... stumbled back up to the tube station, stopping in at the Cornish Pasty shop on the way. I have never eaten from there whilst sober, but I am going to have to go back there to find out if the ‘traditional’ pasty really is as fantastic as it seemed on Friday night, or if that was just the booze working the same magic that it normally reserves for 7-11 pies / hero rolls / hot dogs and 2am kebabs.

Caught the train home (K2 got off at the wrong station to catch her connecting train) and tried to read the Covent Garden magazine but didn’t have a whole lot of luck. Made friends with a homeless guy on the train, gave him some money, told him to take a shower, offered to let him sleep on my couch for the night (He declined… I wonder if he was offended at being told he needed a shower???). Remembered to take my makeup off before I fell into bed (a minor miracle that surely deserves a mention).

Sat morning I woke up in a world of hurt. Swallowed some pills, went back to sleep. Managed to make it out of bed by mid-day and headed into Bond St, got a haircut (more on that another time) and picked up more stockings. I finally got a manicure so perhaps now I won’t ladder so many stockings and then headed to MH & S’s place to get ready for the party.

Got to MH’s place and as I was walking up the stairs, I hear a ‘THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD, CLUNK!’ About 5 seconds afterwards I hear S piss herself laughing, MH opens the front door and I just looked at her and said “You just fell over, didn’t you?” She giggled like a school girl. I then spent 20 mins teaching her how to walk in high heels.

She mastered that and I got ready, about then people started turning up. MH, I have to say, looked fantastic as a dirty cop. Every guy I spoke to said that when MH opened the front door to let them in, they all got an instant erection. S was dressed as a pornstar pilot – she’s blonde haired, blue eyed and has huge breasts that were spilling out of her shirt so she was pretty popular too.

The mission of the evening, so I was told, was to get me out of my robe – it took them a fair bit of alcohol (and closing all the windows and turning the heating up) but they did succeed in their mission.

I kept control of S & MH’s cameras all night.

The only picture we have of me was a trade off – I caught one of MH posing on the bed (HA! TOO bloody funny!!!) and she let me keep it on the condition that I posed for one as well – so there is one of me posing on a chair, in profile, head thrown back, back arched etc. That photo is never being seen by anyone other then MH, LH & myself – so don’t bother asking. I don’t even have a copy of it and the only reason it hasn’t been deleted already is that if MH deletes that for me, she gets to delete the one of her on the bed (and that one is just gold – if I can get my hands on a copy of that pic, I could sell it and make a fortune! Hahahahahahaha).

There are a few other pics of me floating around though – I had control of S & MH’s cameras but an awful lot of people have camera’s in their phones and they got pics of me when I wasn’t looking I am told. One of the guys informed me that he got 7 pics of my ass throughout the course of the night… he also got a pic of the look of horror on my face as he said that….

I’m just going to stop thinking about that now.

I spent most of the night handcuffed to various people (it’s a good way to meet people actually – if you are ever stuck for conversation at a party full of people you don’t know, just handcuff yourself to a stranger for a while – it’s an ice-breaker, I assure you). The really great part of the night was when I realised that one of the guys there looked vaguely familiar because in fact, I work with him… I strongly suspect he has some pics of my ass too. Wonderful. *cringe*

Party ended at about 5. I think we left a little before that, I don’t actually know. I was curled up on MH’s bed with D (NO! We weren’t doing anything!) when LH came in and announced that the cab was there and we were almost the last to leave.

Got home, passed out. Woke up very early – about 7 I think, then again at 8 or 8.30, then again at 10 when my dad texted to say he’d call in 10 mins… put him off for an hour… got up, took off my makeup, had a shower, washed my hair and then spoke to mum & dad for an hour, LH & I went back to MH’s for breakfast (pancakes) and then fell asleep on her bed, headed into Bond St for dinner then home. I actually had a really bad headache by that stage to so took some valium and some panadine forte and then passed out.

My fucking phone did not stop all night but I was so out of it from the drugs that I couldn’t quite manage to reply to anyone or even pick it up when it rang… I woke up every single time it went off though as I am a very light sleeper so even though it’s on silent, I still hear it and wake up. I had 14 text messages waiting for me this morning when I got up and 1 missed call (no idea who that was). No fucking wonder I’m tired – that’s 14 times I woke up. I was an hour late to work today too. Oops. Thank goodness my boss is away for the week.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday Roundup

At the risk of further depressing everyone who has had a crap week this far (surprisingly, a lot of you out there!) I have to say that I have had a pretty good week – Every. Single. Morning. This week, I have seen a squirrel (or 2!) on my way to work.

I have spoken many times of my love of squirrels so no prizes for guessing why that makes for a good week.


I was bombarded with emails from friends at home today – the presents that I bought them when I got here and finally got around the sending (11 mths later) arrived and they all went to coffee so that they presents could be distributed.

I love buying presents and they all loved getting them. It’s a good system….


I must confess that I was slightly traumatised this morning though. I got up, stumbled out of bed and went to go have a shower, as I walked past the smaller bathroom (which was in use) to the larger one (which I prefer) I heard Neanderthal Man and his gf in there having sex.


I don’t think I’ve ever woken up so quickly in my life – I turned and bolted back to my room and waited until I heard the water stop and then went & had my shower in the larger bathroom. God I’m just totally freaked out – the thought of him having sex at all is disturbing, but actually hearing it and knowing that they were having sex in the shower that anyone can use is just plain wrong.

I just don’t need those mental images!


Waxing to be done tonight for party tomorrow. Have decided against the patent heels I think, will have to try on a few options and see.

Seriously looking forward to it though.


Going out tonight with K2 for cocktails – def looking forward to that !


Have a great weekend beautiful people, stay out of any trouble you don’t want to be in!

Hugs to all.


I get people on this site for some strange searches – I mean, some are fairly understandable – anything involving the word ‘stiletto’ I can understand… even if I’m not too sure about the phrase ‘woman in stilettos standing on my balls’

I get a lot here looking for 'p0rn' and more the a few for 'cum', I'm baffled by the one that searched the phrase "you call this hell try road on a friday night liverpool" - I simply can't imagine what they were looking for.

Today though, I saw that someone ended up here through a search that really worried me – “Beatles lyrics good morning mr sunshine you brighten up my day”

The Beatles?? WTF ??? That was the BeeGee’s !!! How can you not know that??


And just because a whole lot of people seem to end up here looking to discover what the phrase ‘best laid plans of mice and men’ means / comes from and I’ve had a few emails on the subject also, I’m going to put everyone out of their misery –

The reason I picked it for the title of my blog was partly because I read the book and partly because I remembered the poem from highschool (although admittedly, I could never remember who wrote it) but mostly because my mother once said it to me when I was very young – I was in trouble for doing something (who knows what) and she was very angry and she asked me why I had done it.

Honest child that I was, I looked up at her and said “Because I thought you’d never find out, I made sure you weren’t going to be around!” … I remember her lips twitched a little (before she managed to stop herself smiling), then she smacked my bottom and said “Well let this be a lesson to you about the best laid plans of mice and men”

Needless to say I had no clue what the hell she was talking about. She did explain it to me though when I asked, which was nice considering I was in so much trouble that I was actually sent to my room (unheard of for me – to be smacked and sent to my room was harsh punishment indeed, I was never punished because I was never naughty).

I’ve remembered the phrase ever since and have found myself thinking it, sometimes wryly, sometimes with resignation, on a few occasions in my life.

‘The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry’ is a corruption of 2 lines from a poem by Scottish poet Robert Burns, written in 1785, entitled “To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough” (such a wordy bloody title, it’s normally abbreviated to ‘To A Mouse’).

The phrase was then used as the title for a novella (later a movie, an opera and a play) by John Steinbeck “Of Mice And Men”

The exact quote from the poem is –

“The best-laid schemes o’mice an 'men Gang aft agley,”

If you want to find out more about Robert Burns then this
should give you the basics, including a link to the full poem -

If you want to find out more about the novella then start here -

Yes, I know that “Wikpedia is hardly a tome of academic or scientific fact” (heh!) but it’s a starting point and will give you links to more ‘official’ sites.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to being disturbed by the person who ended up here by searching for 'boy cum in my ear' ...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sometimes I wonder….

I’d be really pissed off right now, but frankly, I’m too bemused.

There are fire alarms littered profusely throughout this building which is great – none of them are a problem except for 1, which is located in one of the kitchens, directly above the toaster….

Some idiot burnt his toast today which meant that the entire building had to be evacuated.

This raises some issues for me -

First of all our designated fire escape was LOCKED – yes, you read that correctly… we couldn’t use our fire escape because the doors were locked … and no one has a key… so, in the case of a real fire, we’ll all just burn, shall we??? Some serious safety issues right there…

Naturally, we had to go over to the other fire escape ... Now, these fire escape stairs are like no others I have ever seen before - and just for the record, I’ve seen a few and for a variety of reasons - most fire escapes are pretty bare – concrete or brick walls & steps with plain metal railings. These ones were different…. They had wooden railings and they were carpeted.

What a great idea! Lets put something flammable in the fire escape !!!!!

Now, call me crazy (OI! It was a turn of phrase!), but I wouldn’t have thought that was such a hot idea (sorry, couldn't help myself). I like to know that if I’m running down the fire escape from level 5 because there’s a fire on level 2, I’m not going to meet the flames halfway down.

Crazy crazy people.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

And we're clear...

Yep, well and truly over my Krispy Kreme phase - I just had one and had to force myself to finish it.

Now it's all about Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-cream.... soooooooo good.....

Monday, May 15, 2006

Right, now that that's sorted....

OK, costume problem is solved! I have to tell you though, it was a fucking drama – I already had a corset but was planning to wear a slut length skirt, suspenders and heels (oh, and underwear of course) – which meant I had to go buy a skirt because slut length is not a length that normally forms a part of my wardrobe – I have a thing about random strangers being able to see what I had for breakfast which is why I will wear short skirts, but never dangerously so – besides, when I am drunk and running round and being an idiot on the dance floor with my friends (or crash tackling people with K1) I need something that isn’t going to show the whole world what colour knickers I’m wearing (if any).

I have discovered however that it’s like shopping for the perfect white shirt – you know those shopping trips where all you want is the ‘perfect’ white shirt and you can’t find one?? One has the wrong cuffs, one has a shadowed white pinstripe that is ‘too dark’, one is too tight, another too loose, another is perfect except that it strains across the bust, one is not ‘white’ enough – you get the picture - there were NONE that were just quite slutty enough.

So in the end, I gave up.

I went to AP and bought me some of those tie side underwear they do and got a new pair of the seamed stockings and a suspender belt (I never realised before but I didn’t own a plain black satin suspender belt – they were all lace / patterned / something or other).

So my costume now stands as – black satin corset, black satin tie side underwear (and the ties are quite long so that means I’ll be able to do a double knot in them – yay!) black satin suspender belt and flesh coloured stockings with a black seam and black, 5 inch patent stilletto’s.

I’ll also be wearing a black silk robe over the top (I am not quite THAT much of an exhibitionist to wander round a party full of people I have never met or only met briefly without some form of covering to make it a little less indecent). Add some whore red lipstick and matching nails (Dior of course darling, but whore red nonetheless) and I have the basics in place.

Hair and exact amounts of eye shadow still to be decided…

And there will be no pictures. I don’t even want to THINK about what you’d all do with any pictures taken at this party!


Will update on my weekend a little later but in the meantime, I have one thing to say -

Why is it that when I don't need a slutty skirt, they are everywhere in the shops - to the point where its almost impossible to find one that isn't slutty.

BUT the second I want a skirt that screams "I am a whore" you cannot find one for love nor money ???


And um, the reason I wanted one is that I have a costume party on next weekend - theme is Pilots & Pornstars - needless to say, I ain't goin as a pilot.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ahhhhhhhh - SUMMER!

I just met LH for lunch. We stopped by the Tiffin Bites opposite Liverpool St & picked up some food, then hit M&S for some fruit and wandered up to sit in the park.

Twittering birds, lush green grass, a profusion of flowers and beautiful trees made the food taste even better.

I love summer.

Bloody hell - I hope I haven't just jinxed it again!

WTF????!!!!!!! Who let this happen?????

A friend of mine from Oz has been emailing me some music through to listen to while at work (I download as little as possible onto my work computer) and last night they sent me through “Flame Trees” – not a particular fave of mine but I like it, especially now when I am so homesick for Aussie music.

But this was not the original version by Cold Chisel … Oh no my friends – they sent me the cover version by some chick who sounds like she’s either just rolled out of bed or (more likely) is about to climb into a nice hot bath with nothing more then a razor blade to keep her company….And frankly, I wish she would.

Putting my hatred of cover versions aside, I decided to listen to it again (GOD can you believe what I put myself through in order to be fair??!!) just to see if I was being unnecessarily harsh.

Nope, I was right the first time - she absolutely deserves to be slaughtered like the BSE infected bovine she is (BSE = Mad Cow Disease for those who can’t be assed googling it).

Seriously – have any of you actually LISTENED to this??? Actually – scratch that, I’m sure you’ve all been inundated with it until your ears bled – not that that would take too long – listening to it twice was enough to do that to me. This is music to slit your wrists to at its finest – that’s if you don’t fall asleep first, anyway. Did she actually look at the score first? Did she even see the dynamic markings and did anyone ever tell her about tone colour / timbre ???? I might just stop there – I could go on for pages about this if I’m not careful.

Not knowing who did the cover, my first instinct was to blame Missy-fucking-Higgins (there you go Puss – resisted the use of ‘fricken’ – just for you! Lol) who is surely one of the most over-rated musicians in the country but it seems I was wrong – there’s another contender for the crown – namely, one Sarah Blasko. I’d apologise for offending anyone who’s reading this if they actually like Missy-fucking-Higgins or Sarah-bloody-Blasko, but frankly, I really don’t care. Missy does get my apology for suspecting her of this and she gets points for not ruining someone elses songs (why ruin someone else’s when her own are so crap anyway) but Sarah…. Ooooh – lets not go there….

Fucking cover versions.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The BEST time to nearly get hit by a truck.

This morning I caught the tube to work (lately I’ve been sticking to buses – less walking and less people) but I left the house at the same time as LH so I walked that way with her while talking & doing happy dances about today’s weather (24, sunny, only a light breeze as opposed to the gale-fricken-force winds that London usually has).

So, I gets to Liverpool St and off I hop, I wander up the road in my own little world and stand there at the lights waiting for the little green man to hurry the fuck up and arrive and as soon as it does, without even thinking about it, I step out onto the road. At the exact moment I step out onto the road, about 12 hands come out of nowhere to grab me and pull me back, while about 20 voices suddenly yell out “OI!”, “Stop!” or combinations of both at a rather large truck that was running that red light. I turned around to thank whoever the hell it was that grabbed me and guess who it was???

A group of around 30 police officers…. ROFL

Needless to say the truck driver was pulled over and booked. (Idiot.)

That’s the second time that’s happened to me now – I really have to start paying more attention to where I’m going, but if ever there was a time to nearly get hit by a truck, that would have to be it.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some things to be thankful for

I am happy
I am healthy
I’m actually still alive
I have a loving family
I have wonderful friends
I have made it to the age of 27 without having any permanent ties to people I now dislike or despise (children, joint property etc)
I have made it to 27 with no failed marriages and without making a marriage I now regret.
I am capable of earning enough money to support myself in a level of comfort that I feel happy with.
I am capable of learning from my mistakes.
I have no problems that can’t be resolved by the judicious addition of Krispy Kremes and a little perspective (FINE – I can skip the Krispy Kreme’s if I have to)
The people I love are all happy and healthy.
The people I love, love me.
I have enough challenge in my life to keep me interested and engaged but not so much that I feel constantly overwhelmed.
I have enough sorrow to remind me to focus on the joy.
I have enough joy to keep me looking forward to tomorrow.
I should have enough tomorrows to do the things I want to do with my life.
The things I want to do with my life might not change the world, but they are both achievable and long lasting. And to me they are the important things in life.

There are other things to be thankful for – but those are the main ones.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Farewell Undies

At about 5pm this afternoon, my dad’s best mate passed away.

Undies – so named because he always said that assuming you wore them at all, you only needed to take one pair of undies on a fishing trip (frontwards, backwards, inside out frontwards, inside out backwards then turn them right way out and start again) was like an uncle to me.

He wasn’t very tall, but he was larger then life. A self-made millionaire and almost as much of a workaholic as my parents, cancer slowed him down but never really defeated him. He had a cheeky, wicked sense of humour, loved a drink, always baited the hook for me when we went on fishing and camping trips (I hated having to touch bait) and was the one person in the world that you could say to my mother “I saw Undies and he was absolutely pissed!” and instead of saying “That’s disgusting!!! I don’t know why people drink like that!” (As a matter of fact, no, my mother doesn’t know how much I drink) she would actually laugh and say “Yep, that’d be Undies!”

Always the life of the party and possessed of a joie de vivre that even cancer couldn’t suppress, Undies made many boring events not just tolerable, but downright enjoyable. My brother related well to him – they were ‘mates’ – in spite of the age difference. My sister adored him – he was a second father to her and of course I adored him – he always had time for me, he petted me and spoilt me when my own parents were too busy working and he once confessed to my father that while he loved my brother and sister, I was his favourite.

My mother loved him – in spite of the fact that he was a bit of a ratbag, or perhaps because of it… No one ever really teases my mother – she doesn’t have the best sense of humour in the world, but Undies could and did – it took her a while to catch on – she was a little taken aback by him at first, but once she caught on, he kept her in stitches. And then there was his relationship with my father – they had so much in common and could spend hours talking, or sitting companionably in perfect silence. Dad would confide worries to Undies that he wasn’t ready to discuss with anyone else – even my mother.

My parents are workaholics. They have always had their own businesses and they have always been at least 6 days a week – sometimes 6 ½ - and usually involving 12 – 14 hour days. Undies was a workaholic too, but he still managed to enjoy life and he managed to get my parents to see that they needed to as well. I don’t think it’s coincidental that my parents started spending more time out of work after they became friends with Undies. My dad even tried to retire (on Undies advice) but then got too bored with retirement and went out and bought another business. But he tried – I’ll give him that.

One of my (and my sisters) favourite memories of her wedding is of heading to the local nightclub after the reception – she was still in her wedding dress, I was still in my bridesmaids dress and as we went to walk in the doors and up the stairs to the club, we spotted Undies coming out – he was followed by a security guard and as he lurched down each step, he bounced from one side to the other and took the next step.

Just how he made it down the entire flight of stairs without falling or stumbling once is a bloody mystery to all of us. He got to the bottom of the stairs, walked towards my sister (who was standing there holding hands with her husband and laughing her head off), squinted at her and said “Is that you Lizzie??” (Who else would it have been in a big white dress??). My sister stopped laughing long enough to say yes. He swayed a little, half turned round and looked inside then turned back towards her and said “Are you going in there??” while gesturing vaguely towards the club.“Yes” she said, grinning from ear to ear. “Excellent!” Undies replied and spun around and lurched straight back up the stairs. The security guards just stood and stared in amazement as we all pissed ourselves laughing and followed him in.

He then proceeded to drink us all under the table.

And lest you think a very high tolerance to alcohol is all he had to offer the world, I can promise you that he brought a whole lot of laughter into many people’s lives. I never knew anyone who met Undies and didn’t like him – he was that kind of guy. He was the highlight of my 21st birthday party and I always said that if something ever happened to my father before I got married, I wanted Undies to walk me down the aisle.

About 3 years ago, he started complaining of pain in his chest and having trouble breathing. It took them a year to find out it was cancer – asbestos has a lot to answer for. At the time of diagnosis, they gave him 6 mths to live – one of his lungs had collapsed and the cancer was just too advanced to even think about going in there. Undies just laughed and told the doctor that it was going to take him at least that long to set his business in order so they better make it 12 mths at the very least.

He changed his entire lifestyle overnight – he stopped drinking, flew to China to see a natural health specialist over there and combined the best of western and eastern medicine. He never lost his sense of humour and proved that his sense of fun wasn’t alcohol induced. He was lucky to be able to afford to pay his own way to take part in medical trials for cancer and I suppose that if nothing else, he has at least helped medical research - not only by being a guinea pig but also by the huge sums of money he donated to cancer research.

A few weeks ago I nagged my parents into taking a couple of days off work and going to see him. I called my brother and arranged it all with him as well and even got my sister to join the chorus of nagging. I am so glad they did now – they had a great weekend.

I spoke to him a few days ago and he asked me how long till I was coming home. I told him it would either be 6 weeks or 3 mths – I wasn’t sure yet and he told me to do what I had to do – either way, he would hold on so that he could see me again.

Right now, my heart is literally aching – its funny in a way as that always sounds like such a melodramatic thing to say but it is. In a way, it’s a relief – a while ago he had a spare bedroom converted into a hospital room and for the last couple of weeks, he was on morphine on demand and oxygen full time – he didn’t tell me that, dad did – Undies didn’t want me to worry.

Many years ago when I was a little girl, Undies asked me what my favourite piece of music was and I told him it was Fur Elise. He asked me why and I explained that it was my Nanna’s favourite piece of music and she used to play it all the time. I used to love listening to her play and she took so much pleasure in playing that one particular piece that it then became my favourite piece of music. I then put on a recording of it and Undies and I sat there and listened to it together.

Ever since it was played at my Nanna’s funeral a couple of years ago, I haven’t been able to listen to Fur Elise without crying and yet I am listening to it today and its only while its playing that I can control my tears.

Farewell to Pete – a wonderful man who brought so much laughter into so many peoples lives. I can’t wish him back and in such pain, but forgive me for mourning the loss of a damn fine man.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Oh yes

While in Selfridges on the weekend, we wandered through the AP section.

I finally gave in and tried on the gloves - I want them.

Black leather with a pink leather cuff.


*Sigh* Yay for me.. I think...

So, last night I was drunk.

And I was at D's.

And we were kissing in the kitchen.

And he asked me to stay the night.

And I said no.

Part of me, is kicking myself - that's the hormones.

The other part of me is really damn proud of myself for not doing something that I know I'd regret once the afterglow had worn off.

I'm in a world of hurt.... so much for not drinking..

Fri night I didn’t do anything in the end. Sat I made it out of bed by early afternoon. We were going to have a bbq but of course, it rained – what a fucking surprise - so we had roast instead – NZ lamb with rosemary & garlic, potatoes roasted with sage, pumpkin, beans, honeyed carrots and cauliflower & cheese sauce. And home made gravy of course. For dessert I made a butterscotch tart as well as a pavlova with strawberries & cream. Care to guess how much my housemates love me?

Sun LH, MH & I went for breakfast at Carluccio’s and then for a wander round the shops, D called while we were in there and came in to meet us. Thankfully, he was in just as childish a mood as I was so I had someone to be silly with. While in HMV, I snuck up behind MH and started tickling her, she absolutely shat herself thinking it was a stranger molesting her, the look on her face was so funny and I was laughing so hard, that I lurched into a display of dvd’s which I then knocked over which made her crack up.

According to LH who was over the other side of the shop, all she could hear was us pissing ourselves laughing, the sound of MH smacking me upside the head (which actually kind of hurt) and me then telling MH that that was child abuse and I was going to report her. We left there not long after – people were looking at us funny.

After we had afternoon tea, we decided to walk up to Leicester Square. D & I were walking on ahead talking when we decided to duck behind a pillar to hide, as the girls walked past, we jumped out behind them and yelled ‘BOO!’ MH shat herself again, LH nearly tripped and then all 4 of us just lost it. MH was just looking at me going ‘What are you ON????’ Fuck I laughed.

Had a bottle of wine at a bar in Leicester Square then headed back to D’s place to keep drinking. This was both a good and a bad idea.

D loves good red wine as much as I do so when ever we get together, it usually involves a fair quantity of very good red wine. We bought 2 bottles (at £50 each) and thought that that would be enough (LH was drinking Breezers & MH doesn’t drink at all), however, when we got back to his, we decided to watch Star Wars.

Now the rule with Star Wars is of course, that every time they say ‘Aldaran’, ‘rebellion’, ‘force’ or switch on a lightsabre, you have to drink. I was a bit drunk before we were even halfway through.

D & I then had a very animated discussion on lightsabres and what colour we would have if we could have one – he thought I’d choose pink but he’s wrong there – pink just doesn’t seem right when we are talking about a weapon that, elegant as it is, is designed to sever limbs and deflect laser blasts. I decided on green in the end, he chose blue. MH & LH are not Star Wars fans (how is that possible???) so they just thought we were nuts – especially when we kept making the humming noises. (I so wanna be a Jedi!!!!) When Star Wars ended, we wanted to watch the next one but the girls rebelled. As D pointed out – if we had our lightsabres they wouldn’t be so quick to rebel then, would they????

Anyway, we ended up watching Grease. Naturally of course, we all had to sing along to every song and we had to drink every time someone said ‘Sandy’ and every time someone smoked a cigarette, or we saw ‘T-Birds’ and ‘Pink Ladies’… I was quite pissed before we were halfway through the movie.

By that stage it was time to leave so D walked us up to the tube station (we had a drunken conversation with his sister in Oz on the way – she was very happy to hear from us and was laughing her head off at us, I don’t actually remember what we were talking about though) when we got to the tube station however, we had actually missed the last tube… so we went back to D’s & kept drinking – as you, or rather, as I do. We had of course long ago finished the 2 bottles we had bought but he produced another one and when we finished that one, he produced another one, when we finished that one, he went to get another one but I was pretty sure I didn’t need anymore so as he stood up to go get it, I wrapped both my arms around his leg to stop him from going. He didn’t think I would hold on, so he went to go get it anyway. He didn’t give in easily - he pulled me off the couch and halfway across the room before he gave up and fell laughing on the floor.

Whilst on the floor MH & LH started throwing peanuts at us – until we retaliated with popcorn. By the time we finished that, we were all lying on the floor breathless with laughter and in need of a shower. We girls headed home – in spite of his offer to stay there – and thank god we did – any more wine and I would not be sitting here typing this right now.

When LH & I got home, I walked straight into the phone and knocked it off its hook, LH was so busy laughing at me trying tp put it back that she walked into the banister, then I tripped over the cat and she bumped her head – we finally made it to our rooms without killing ourselves. I’m not too sure what time that was but I do know that I was very resentful when my alarm went off this morning. I was a bit late to work and I have drunk about 3 litres of water this morning and have yet to pee once. My head is killing me and I have already exceeded the max daily dosage of painkillers for a baby elephant.

I’m not even hungry. I just smelt a Krispy Kreme and nearly threw up.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Iiiiiiiiiiiiit's FRIDAY!!!!!!

Yay! And its nearly home time!

Have a great one beautiful people - I sure as hell intend to.

And I have to say - the weather over here is fucking great right now! FINALLY!

Oh there's YEARS of rage in this one....

Ok, after a couple of comments I made on Russell’s blog (I still have no clue how to link – stop being lazy and use the one over on the side there… yep, that one) I decided to do a post on the top 10 annoyances on working in a call centre. The difficult part was how the hell can I narrow it down to just 10 ??????? Then it became very long - about 7 pages in fact. I managed to get it down to 5 but its still pretty long... I'd apologise but as I said, there's YEARS of rage in this one.

Now, to put this in perspective .... I worked in call centres for about 7 years and in that time I’ve held just about every position there is. Indulge me for a moment as I boast that very few people can handle angry customers as well as I can – I am a fucking expert. I know I may come across as a little ditsy sometimes and certainly since I’ve been posting here, you could be forgiven for thinking I don’t have much of a work ethic, however, the second a call dropped through to my phone, I was ‘on’ - NONE of my customers EVER called back to complain about getting wrong information from me or that they didn’t understand what I was trying to explain to them or that I didn’t follow up something I was supposed to follow up on.

I know that there are a lot of call centre consultants out there who have no clue what they are doing and who don’t give a shit – there really isn’t any horror story you could tell me that I couldn’t go you one better but working in a call centre is not a walk in the park and call centre workers deserve a lot more recognition then they get.

We are not just dealing with 120+ inane questions a day, we are constantly learning new information, we have to swallow your abuse, forget the abuse of the person before you, listen to what you are saying, hear what you are not saying and gain your trust while thinking of all the things that we need to tell you that you don’t know to ask about... and thats just when you want to change your address....We have to do that and solve your problems all (ideally) within 5 minutes because there are other people waiting just like you.

Y’all should be kissing the ground call centre workers walk on. Go do a survey of any call centre you like and I promise you that at least 80% of the staff will be alcoholics or regular drug users – it’s the only way to stay sane. If you aren’t an alcoholic when you start working in a call centre, you soon will be.

So, based upon years of frustration, here’s my top 10 things that make me want to reach down the phone and kill someone or that I really wish I could tell you sometimes.

1. Calling up without your account/policy/membership number.

This is the best way to start the entire conversation off on the wrong foot. Seriously. It may not seem like a big deal to you and we may reassure you that its fine and we are happy to search for your details for you, but you know something? We’re lying. Through gritted teeth.

Just like we lied to the 72 fucking morons before you who called us up without their fucking details.

Depending on how bad a day I’ve had, this is a very good way to ensure you are going to spend some time on hold. This is especially true if you say that you knew you had to call us today but you forgot / couldn’t be bothered / didn’t think to look for it before you went to work today…Let me get this straight – you knew you were going to call and you knew that it was the first thing I was going to ask you for so that I could help you – but you couldn’t be bothered ??????? Help me to help you fuckwit – is it really so much to ask?????

2. People who don’t read letters we send them.

I’m going to quote an actual conversation that I once heard while quality listening, because although I had to kick his ass for saying it, the consultant was saying what I and many others have wanted to say many times… the fact I couldn’t stop laughing and the fact that I then deleted the call from the records and taped another one of his calls to replace it probably gave that away….

Cons: (very pleasantly) Well we left voice mail messages on 3 separate days and we sent you a letter regarding this issue on 27th April, 11th May and the 25th May as well as doing a 3 page article on these changes in our quarterly magazine that we sent to you on the 10th of June – so we have certainly made every attempt to communicate this information to you. Did you receive the letters or have you had any trouble with any of your other mail?
Cust: (indignantly) I don’t read those letters you send me! I throw them out.
Cons: (slightly stunned) You don’t read them?
Cust: (still indignant) If I read everything you people send me, I’d do nothing but read all day!
Cons: (clearly pissed off) Well I think that’s very rude you know. We don’t send you those letters because we enjoy paying postage – we send you those letters because we are trying to communicate important information to you and if you simply throw them out without reading them then you cannot blame us for the fact that you didn’t know these changes were coming. We’ve been attempting to contact you and you have deliberately ignored our efforts and now you think its our fault that you were ignorant of these changes?????? You have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!

This one is simple – read the fucking letters we send you. If you don’t understand it, leave it a day or so and read it again. If you still don’t understand it, call us and we will explain it to you. 99% of consultants would rather explain something to you 4 different ways over the phone until you get it then have you not understand something and then have that lack of understanding cause problems later on down the line.

Pick up the goddamn phone and call us - and for christ’s sake, make sure you have your membership/policy/account details AND that letter with you when you do.

3. People who call up and immediately ask to speak to a supervisor.

I understand that you’re pissed off. Really, I do. And I understand that your first instinct is to go straight for the boss to make your displeasure clear. But refusing to give me anything – even your name – is not the right way to go about getting your complaint resolved and does nothing but piss the consultant and the manager off.

90% of the time, the consultant can resolve your issue. If you call to make a complaint, just give the consultant the fucking details, go through the ID process and once that’s been satisfied, explain the problem clearly, calmly and rationally and then tell them what you want them to do to resolve it. If you don’t have a solution or your solution is not feasible, then listen to what they suggest – they do this all day every day remember??? Chances are, they know their shit.

If the consultant thinks that solving this is beyond them, they will pass you on to someone more appropriate who can help you fix this as soon as possible. And the best bit is, when they do, they will normally explain the problem, including RELEVANT detail, which means you wont need to go through it again – they may ask you to recap or they may recap themselves just to be sure they understand and that its been explained to them correctly - which is, after all, simple courtesy and far better then having them focus on resolving the wrong part of the issue first - but at least you wont have to go through it All. Over. Again.

Most companies have very precise and clearly defined guidelines as to how complaints are to be escalated and you simply cannot jump them. You need to speak to a consultant first. If they can’t fix it or you are not happy with the solution they offer then you speak to a supervisor. If they can’t help you then you would normally either speak to the next manager up or you would be transferred to a dedicated complaints department that exists purely to deal with complaints that may result in litigation OR are simply the result of difficult assholes who refuse to be placated simply because they’re a cunt.

Most companies and their representatives want to solve your problems – let them.

And by the way - just because the letter you received was signed by the regional manager or Managing Director, doesn’t actually mean that he or his fucking secretary sat there & typed it up, popped it in an envelope and posted it to you - so don’t bother asking to speak to him because he’s not fucking available. Unless you are a personal friend in which case you already have his direct line so why are you calling me?

4. Interrupting when the consultant is speaking / talking over the top of the consultant.

OOOOOOOOOOOOH this makes my blood boil. Do this to me and I promise you that no matter how valid I think your complaint is, the first chance I get, I’m going to put you on hold while I spend 5 mins swearing about how rude you are. Do it to me again and then I’m going to put you back on hold and spend another 5 mins sending emails to people telling them how rude you are (or making plans to go out drinking… sometimes both) and then I’m going to go get myself a can of coke from the vending machine over the other side of the office (and stop to say hi to a few people on the way) before I take you off hold again… if I’m really lucky, by the time I come back, you’ll have blown your own brains out rather then listen to that hold music any longer …..

If they are explaining something and you don’t understand, then wait until they pause for a moment and then ask them to explain it again – most of us will be able to explain something to you in at least 4 different ways because we know that everyone has a different learning process.

Don’t fucking speak over the top of your consultant. Yes they may be a twat for not telling you what you want to hear, but let them finish – basic, common courtesy seems to fall by the wayside the second people pick up the phone. People say things to call centre consultants that would see you getting sued if you said them to someone in the office or in any other area of your life.

If you are rude, I don’t want to help you. I will, because I’m supposed to be a professional. I’ll still go 1 extra mile for you - because that’s what I do, but if you’d treated me like a human being, I would have gone for 2, bet you regret calling me a ‘brainwashed bitch’ now, don’t you, fuckwit?.

5. Be honest.

You wouldn’t think that being honest would be such a big ask. Take your home loan for instance. I’m sitting here looking at your bank account transactions. I’m looking at your home loan details. I can see exactly how much money you earn, I know you had thai for dinner on Friday night and I know that you get your hair cut at the same salon that I do. So why are you lying to me about why you cant make your payment this month??? I know how often you put petrol in your car for christsake. Do you really think I’m that stupid????????????

After 7 years, there is not one lie that you can tell me that I haven’t heard and I ALWAYS know when someone is lying to me over the phone. I have a 6th sense that kicks in whenever I am listening to a voice down the phone line. I may let it slide and not bust your ass for it, but don’t kid yourself that I didn’t know.

And because I now know that you are a liar, I am going to be that much more on guard and that much less likely to believe anything you say next.

6. Take names, dates and times.

Keep a notepad by the phone, take the date & the consultants name as a matter of course – most will only give out their first name for security reasons, but they can offer you either an ID # for the call or their user number which is all you need. I once worked in a call centre that had 17 guys called “Steve” which was a fucking nightmare when people didn’t bother to take down the user id so just do it. For me. OK ????

As a consultant and certainly as a supervisor, I remembered every call I took - once I'd had my memory jogged by looking at their details on screen anyway - and I could also remember details of the conversation and quote them back, word, pitch and intonation perfect for anything up to a month or so afterwards but not all consultants have that good a memory.

If this is a complaint or ongoing issue, jot down the time and some notes as well – such as the time frames for resolution, date or time of anticipated call back etc.

7. Make sure you allow lots of time when you call.

There is nothing more infuriating then someone who doesn’t allow enough time to call. You may think its going to be a quick call but if you knew shit about your insurance or your home loan or whatever the fuck you have with us, you wouldn’t be calling me in the first place.

Suspending that payment (which takes 30 seconds) may put your loan into arrears – which means you’ll have to speak to collections. We don’t even hold on to introduce you to them, we just dump you through because it takes at least 15 mins to get through & you have to speak to them because we can’t suspend that payment until after you’ve spoken to them & made arrangements... Don’t you wish you’d allowed more then 5 mins before you went into that meeting now eh??

Alternately, I once had a woman call up to suspend a payment and while making general conversation with her (while accessing her account details) I discovered that their financial position had changed radically and she hadn’t reviewed her loan in 3 years since she first took it. She had 3 credit cards, a store card, a personal loan and had just had a child. 30 mins later she hung up.

In that time I’d found out how much her husband earned, worked out how she could consolidate their debts and cut 14 years off the term of their home loan and save themselves over $55K in interest and still have a very good lifestyle, rather then sort of struggling to pay everything as they currently were due to poor financial organisation.

Allow lots of time when you call – you don’t know if there is going to be a queue to get through in the first place, if your enquiry may not be as simple as it seems, or if your consultant may be able to help you in ways you weren’t looking for and just didn’t expect.

8. When we try to ‘sell’ you something, we really are trying to help.

Yes we have KPI’s to meet and yes, some people will try to flog you anything in order to achieve their targets and make their bonus but very few people I have worked with have tried to ‘sell’ something indiscriminately, in fact, most of us resent being forced to try to ‘sell’ you things – I’m not a fucking salesperson – if I was a salesperson, I would work in sales but I’m not so I don’t.

Another woman called up to enquire about cash back off her loan – she’d also just had a child and she and her partner had no insurance at all – no life, no income protection, nothing. I convinced her, much against her better judgement to set up an appointment with one of our wealth management guys who was also very good at his job. She always called and spoke to me after that – often, I think, just to complain about how much money they were paying out for this insurance that they were never going to use.

3 months after taking out the cover, when her baby was 5 mths old, her husband died in a single vehicle car accident. I heard through the wealth management guy and I sent flowers to the funeral. Afterwards, she called to thank me – not just for the flowers but also for arguing with her that day and pretty much forcing her to make that appointment. The payout didn’t bring her husband back, but at least it meant she didn’t have to worry about the mortgage when her world was falling apart.

I, like many others, will only ever suggest something if I genuinely see a need. I’ve just spent some time talking to you about your most personal details - I’ve asked you what you want out of your life and where you’re going, you are a real person to me and I can see where you are vulnerable because I do this all day, every day and its my fucking job to look for flaws, patterns and needs. If you don't take whats on offer then thats fine - its not my problem, but don't refuse something out of hand, just because we suggested it rather then you - most of the time, we really are just trying to help.

9. Sometimes, we just fuck up.

Sometimes, you aren’t really an idiot. Sometimes, your question is valid. Sometimes, I really don’t have an excuse for what we’ve done to you and I can only apologise that we’ve fucked up once again.

I’m sorry. I really really am sorry. And I mean that. I don’t have any excuses. I’m not being a smart ass. I really do apologise. And it would be really nice if you’d accept that fucking apology and get off my back while I try to figure out how the hell I am going to make this not just better, but mind-blowingly good for you.

We’re all human – so cut me some freakin slack.

10. You would be AMAZED at what we can do for you if we really, really want to.

I once went for a job interview and they asked me what I thought the job really was. My response?

“Giving the customer what they want, when they want, how they want, because they want it… and most importantly, knowing which rules I can break, which rules I can bend and which rules must remain inviolate while I do it”

That’s a pretty common attitude for call centre professionals.

I’m not talking about back packers who are there for 2 mths before taking off again – they don’t know their ass from their elbow and I have never worked in a call centre that uses them in anything other then a total fucking emergency. I have only ever worked with people who, if they aren’t passionate about their job and about helping people, they are at least anal enough (or focused enough on getting their bonus) to do it right anyway because that’s what they signed up for and they will do their job to the best of their ability no matter how much they hate it.

I have never, no matter how much of an asshole the person has been, taken any enjoyment in telling someone that their claim has been rejected due to not having appropriate cover – I’ve lied to assessors to get claims approved for customers who treated me like shit – not because I was afraid to go back to the customer and say ‘no’ (hell, sometimes it would have made my day) – but because it was important to me to do my best for them regardless.

I can give you hundreds of incidents where other consultants I know have done the exact same thing - we’ve coached customers on what to say in order to get claims approved, we’ve put fake call records on the system detailing calls that never happened in order to get things backdated and approved, we’ve lied to every level of management possible to get shit through and bribed managers to pay out claims on an ex-gratia basis for things that should never have been covered.

We’ve deliberately left out info that would get a claim sent to Risk & Investigation and rejected. We’ve lied to get your interest rate lowered by .5%, I’ve sat on the phone to Centrelink for 2 hours of my own time just to confirm if a particular payment type can be classed as ‘income’ or not so that I can get a fucking loan through when some other idiot rejected it when they shouldn’t have. I have stayed back for 4 hours trying to solve something that wasn’t my error and gone head to head with sales, regional and state managers because no one else was prepared to fight for this for you. I’ve watched co-workers ring the ombudsman and ask for help and advice on how to force something through, only to be told by them that we don’t have to do it as the customer is expecting too much – and the consultant has still forced the issue and gotten what they wanted to for their customer.

Sometimes, we really can't do anything more for you - we've tried our best - we've bribed, threatened, bargained and sweated blood trying to get something through. If you asked us to break the rules for you, we'd have to say no - because if you know we are prepared to break the rules so easily for you once, then you'll expect it all the time and there are some that we just can't break.

But other times, when you don't ask us for it, when you've totally given up on ever getting this through, you really would be amazed at just what we do to get some of those things through for you .... if we really want to.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have just spent the last hour playing with the 10 mth old baby boy of a woman who is returning to work here soon from maternity leave.

Soooooooo cute.

My knees are a bit sore from crawling round the floor playing though (mind out of the gutter).

God I love kids.

I want one.

*thinks about that for a moment*

In a few years.

If you ever...

Want to see just how intelligent you need to be to make it as a checkout chick and just how many people who work in your part of town could do the job, change the local Tesco's so they only have a few normal registers and a whole lot of those automatic self-checkout thingies and then sit back and watch how many people can't do it…
I blame the morons for breeding.

Want to see just how much chaos you can cause on a busy London road, allow a very large box full of nails to fall off the back of your truck and burst open all over the road.
There's hours of entertainment right there.

Want to know how much I have adapted to London weather - this morning the radio announced that it was currently 14 degrees - I immediately thought 'Yeah! I can wear a lightweight skirt and a short sleeve top today with no stockings!'
A year ago I would have been saying '14 degrees???? There's no fucking way I'm getting out of bed until its at least 20!!!!'
See how much I've adapted?

Want to torment me - talk to me about sex. Or allude to sex. Or insinuate something about sex.
Talk to me about nuclearfuckingphysics or something - I'll still turn it into something about sex.
I used to have a 3 track mind, but 2 tracks are closed due to low usage at the moment. *Sigh*


Want to piss me off - don't look after your pets properly - the girl who owns the cat in our house is coming very close to getting a serve from me. The cat was driving us nuts last night so I walked up to her room and looked through the door - there was no food, no water and the litter tray was full.
She's been away for 3 days - god knows how long its been since the cat was fed so I cooked some chicken breast fillets up for it and gave it some water. If this was the first time it had happened, I handle it but it happens ALL. THE FUCKING. TIME.
Why have a pet if you aren't going to look after it???
That seriously pisses me off.

I love squirrels.
They are the best reason to live in the UK.
So cute.
Want to win my heart - get me a squirrel.
It’s a little more original then just taking me out and getting me pissed.


Want to see me do a happy dance - take me to a park in springtime so I can wander amongst drifts of daffodils and tulips then meander along gravel paths shaded by trees softening with silvery green leaves and dripping with flowers that I don't know the names for.
I'm so in love with life right now.
That will be all for now.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


It was just a lull in the storm by the way.



Friday night was an absolute cracker of a night - went and had a few cocktails (ok, more then a few), took my new babies for a test drive (moderately comfortable when standing round, probably not so good for a night out dancing, ideal for dinner dates) and got lots of compliments on them. The dress I wore was one I haven’t worn in ages because of the spillage risk but decided that as I wasn’t planning to drink toooo much, I should be safe and thankfully I was.

It’s the eternal problem of low cowl necks and deep V necks – girls with no breasts say they can’t wear them as they have nothing to show, girls with large breasts don’t wear them because the risk is that they’ll show too much!*Sigh* - talk about a dilemma….

Opps – strayed off topic again…

LH, TH, AH & I left there at about 1am and went to a Greek restaurant across the road which was pretty good - we are so going back there. After we finished that, LH dragged us to Haagen Dazs (I say that like she had to twist my arm) and we had ice-cream for dessert.

I would also like to say how much I heart those bicycle dudes – you know, the little rick-shaw type things ??? They rock – they have saved my feet so many times since I have been over here and for £3 a pop, its an absolute bargain.

Well – except for Sat night when, as I was climbing out of one at Leicester Square, LH made me laugh and I half turned back towards her as I was climbing out and as I did so, I tripped.

I didn’t fall – that would have been very embarrassing - but I dropped my phone (which was open) which went skittering across the road and was run over by about 4 cars before I could stop laughing enough to go play chicken in order to retrieve what was left of it.

Thankfully the sim card is fine and I have a spare phone so I was only without a phone for about 2 hours but still… once I sobered up I was quite unhappy about the loss of it.

On the plus side, maybe now I can go buy a pink one? And at least the spare phone I am using now has functions I can actually understand – that makes a nice change…

Sat morning was not so good.

I managed to make it out of bed at 2.30pm to go do some laundry and grocery shopping.

Huge effort I know.I think I made it out of bed before any of the others though.

Sun morning LH & I headed into town to meet MH for breakfast at Carlucchio’s.

LHand I arrived early so headed to Carlucchio’s to get a table. We got there and the woman said to head downstairs straight away as there were lots of seats available so we wandered down and waited to be seated…

And waited…

And waited…

Finally I had enough and walked over to a different table to the one we normally get (someone else was sitting there – b*stards) and sat myself down – its not as if the staff were busy – they just couldn’t be bothered coming over to us and the manager was upstairs so they figured they could get away with it.

Anyway, after sitting there for about 10 mins the manager came downstairs and our waiter finally came over to take our order. LH and I ordered drinks and I was explaining that a third person would be joining us and could he please arrange for another seat to be brought to us when he turned around and walked off as I was in the middle of my sentence.

Not such a good idea, as anyone who knows me can tell you. If there is one thing that infuriates me every time, it is someone turning and walking off when I am speaking to them – that is just so fucking rude it drives me wild.

LH took one look at my face and just went “Oh god – please don’t yell!”

*Sigh* as if I would do that.

Instead, I stood up, walked over to where he was standing (in full view of the entire restaurant) talking with all his buddies (who he clearly couldn’t wait to get back to) and then stood there waiting quietly.

The manager saw me and asked me if he could help, very pleasantly but quite loudly, I said ‘Yes, I was actually just wanting to finish speaking with him (pointed at my waiter), as he was rude enough to walk off while I was in the middle of a sentence and I would like to finish saying what I wanted to say.”

Ignorant waiter appeared by my side so fast it makes concord seem slow…

I then finished saying what I wanted to say and he accepted it with fairly poor grace – in fact, he was so utterly lacking in caution that he actually had a bit of a go at me for being rude enough to pull him up on his behaviour….

Another mistake, perhaps???

When I finished slapping him down the manager assigned me another waiter, who, funnily enough, couldn’t do enough for us – he recognised us from previous visits (we normally sit in his area) and he even knew our orders off by heart.

I made sure to order food that they couldn’t spit in though – just to be on the safe side.

Spent the rest of the day wandering around the shops, had afternoon tea at Selfridges (what AM I going to do when I get home, without my afternoon tea???) and then headed to MH’s to check out the new furniture she bought and have dinner there.

A bottle of wine later and LH & I headed home. Its very strange not having MH in the house – we were talking about it during the day and LH & I both miss her and she misses us… apparently her freaking huge bedroom does make her feel a lot better about that though – the wench.

Monday I did nothing except read, watch movies on TV and listen to music.

I love long weekends.

I hope everyone else had as good a time as I did.