Reason number 8765490 not to share a house…
When MH moved out, she arranged for a Spanish chick to take over her room. I nicknamed her ‘Ole’ as I couldn’t remember her fucking name and it’s impossible to pronounce her name without sounding like you’re trying to hack up some phlegm. Anyway, Ole moved in and we all thought she seemed ok, however, there are a few little things that are starting to get to me….
1. She borrowed one of my towel sets without asking.
This did result in some raised eyebrows – it’s a little rude to say the least, however, I was ok with it as I know she has a shitty job and couldn’t really afford to go out and buy everything she needed straight up – LH loaned her sheets, pillow & doona, so towels just weren’t a big issue for me (I wash everything with disinfectant anyway so all good) after all, I knew where she lived so getting them back shouldn’t be a problem….. This weekend however, I needed the clothes dryer and I took her stuff out of it (as it was dry) and in amongst her clothes was my towels.
Now we’ll forget the fact that she was washing my iced-mint green towels with her BLACK clothes – I’m not even going there although it does seem to have dulled the colour a little, what I am seriously fucking pissed off about right now, is the fact that she has at some stage dyed her hair….. and used my towels…..
Each one of those towels cost me £80 (shut up – I love towels and they were worth every penny), on her wage, there is no fucking way she is going to be able to afford to replace them for me – so what do I do??? I might as well just let her have them now as there is no way I’m going to use them – I have a set of dark brown towels that I use for the first week after I have had my hair dyed, specifically so that I don’t stain any of my light towels. This does however go against the grain –she not only took them without asking, she is never going to be able to return them to me in the same condition as they were in when she took them and she is never going to be able to afford to replace them!
Seriously not fucking happy right now, let me tell you.
2. Every morning she asks me for milk.
I know how petty that sounds so let me explain – every. Single. Morning. She asks me for milk and every. Single. Morning. I tell her I don’t have any…I walk into the kitchen and she asks me for milk, I explain that I don’t drink milk and I don’t use it so I don’t buy it…She asked me today, yesterday, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that and the day before that…
Finally, this morning I decided it was time to change the ending of the conversation…
Ole: Giggles, you have milk?? You have milk I can borrow???
Me: Nope, sorry, I don’t drink it and I don’t use it so I don’t buy any.
Ole: Ohhh, ok.
Me: But you know what Ole??? We had this conversation yesterday - and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that, going alllll the way back to the day after you moved in. In all that time, I have always said that I don’t use milk, but you know something else?? YOU use milk Ole, and you’ll use it tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that… so here’s a thought, why don’t you go and fucking buy some?
At that point I walked out of the kitchen. No, I didn’t slam the door – aren’t I good?????
3. She takes food.
MH, LH and I had a system going – we ate each others food all the time. So long as we didn’t finish anything off without warning whoever owned it that it was all gone, it wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t that we did our grocery shopping together or anything, we just were all good friends and we didn’t have a problem with sharing. The only time the eating each others food thing has been a problem was the day I came home from work looking forward to having 2 M&S chocolate puddings for dinner (I was PMS’ing – leave me alone) and discovered that LH & MH had eaten them both…. They did however immediately run up to M&S to replace them for me, which I thought was very nice….
Most of my housemates are pretty cool – even NM & his GF know that they can use sauces/herbs/seasonings from my cupboard if they need to but they would never actually touch my food.
Ole however, has not had this invitation extended to her and if it was just sauces etc, I really wouldn’t care, but she made a couple of very bad mistakes… first, she ate my oranges, then, she ate the fresh pasta I had Frenchie pick up for me from Harrods, then, she made the biggest mistake of all – she ate my Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-cream……I don’t trust myself to take this up with her just yet… I’m going to wait until I calm down….. AH caught her going into their cupboard yesterday and taking food from there so it’s not just me that she’s doing this to. It’s not really a consolation….
3. She drinks other peoples booze without so much as a ‘by your leave’.
I don’t care what nationality you are, this is just plain bad form. It might actually be worse then not standing your round at the pub. If you want a drink but you don’t have any booze, you ask – politely, if you can have some, but she doesn’t ask, she just takes.
She drank an entire bottle of AH’s scotch the other night. It was a new bottle and she drank the whole damn thing. For such a tiny girl, she sure can bloody drink! She should have been dead or something; I’m fucked if I know how she did it.
We all used to keep our alcohol in the freezer or sitting on the bench top in the corner – we all know what’s ours and what is someone else’s so it’s never been a problem before now. However as she drinks anything in sight, we’ve all had to start keeping it in our cupboards – seeing as our cupboards aren’t safe though, I guess we’re going to have to start keeping it in our bedrooms. This seriously shits me.
4. She whinges about freezer & fridge space.
She has her part of the fridge – she has the same amount of room that I do and the freezer is only shared between 3 of us as the others use a different one. It has never been a problem before but she keeps fucking complaining about not having room… Frenchie doesn’t keep anything in there at all, I use about ½ a shelf with my stuff… that leaves her the rest of the freezer and she still bloody whinges… as if that’s not enough, she doesn’t close the fucking thing properly which means it is hardly unusual to come home and find water all over the floor where its all defrosted.
5. She leaves food out uncovered and windows open.
Why not name the cockroaches instead of just issuing a blanket invitation?????
Fucking disgusting pig.
Why do I get the feeling that it’s all going to come to a head soon??????
1. She borrowed one of my towel sets without asking.
This did result in some raised eyebrows – it’s a little rude to say the least, however, I was ok with it as I know she has a shitty job and couldn’t really afford to go out and buy everything she needed straight up – LH loaned her sheets, pillow & doona, so towels just weren’t a big issue for me (I wash everything with disinfectant anyway so all good) after all, I knew where she lived so getting them back shouldn’t be a problem….. This weekend however, I needed the clothes dryer and I took her stuff out of it (as it was dry) and in amongst her clothes was my towels.
Now we’ll forget the fact that she was washing my iced-mint green towels with her BLACK clothes – I’m not even going there although it does seem to have dulled the colour a little, what I am seriously fucking pissed off about right now, is the fact that she has at some stage dyed her hair….. and used my towels…..
Each one of those towels cost me £80 (shut up – I love towels and they were worth every penny), on her wage, there is no fucking way she is going to be able to afford to replace them for me – so what do I do??? I might as well just let her have them now as there is no way I’m going to use them – I have a set of dark brown towels that I use for the first week after I have had my hair dyed, specifically so that I don’t stain any of my light towels. This does however go against the grain –she not only took them without asking, she is never going to be able to return them to me in the same condition as they were in when she took them and she is never going to be able to afford to replace them!
Seriously not fucking happy right now, let me tell you.
2. Every morning she asks me for milk.
I know how petty that sounds so let me explain – every. Single. Morning. She asks me for milk and every. Single. Morning. I tell her I don’t have any…I walk into the kitchen and she asks me for milk, I explain that I don’t drink milk and I don’t use it so I don’t buy it…She asked me today, yesterday, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that and the day before that…
Finally, this morning I decided it was time to change the ending of the conversation…
Ole: Giggles, you have milk?? You have milk I can borrow???
Me: Nope, sorry, I don’t drink it and I don’t use it so I don’t buy any.
Ole: Ohhh, ok.
Me: But you know what Ole??? We had this conversation yesterday - and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that, going alllll the way back to the day after you moved in. In all that time, I have always said that I don’t use milk, but you know something else?? YOU use milk Ole, and you’ll use it tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that… so here’s a thought, why don’t you go and fucking buy some?
At that point I walked out of the kitchen. No, I didn’t slam the door – aren’t I good?????
3. She takes food.
MH, LH and I had a system going – we ate each others food all the time. So long as we didn’t finish anything off without warning whoever owned it that it was all gone, it wasn’t a problem. It wasn’t that we did our grocery shopping together or anything, we just were all good friends and we didn’t have a problem with sharing. The only time the eating each others food thing has been a problem was the day I came home from work looking forward to having 2 M&S chocolate puddings for dinner (I was PMS’ing – leave me alone) and discovered that LH & MH had eaten them both…. They did however immediately run up to M&S to replace them for me, which I thought was very nice….
Most of my housemates are pretty cool – even NM & his GF know that they can use sauces/herbs/seasonings from my cupboard if they need to but they would never actually touch my food.
Ole however, has not had this invitation extended to her and if it was just sauces etc, I really wouldn’t care, but she made a couple of very bad mistakes… first, she ate my oranges, then, she ate the fresh pasta I had Frenchie pick up for me from Harrods, then, she made the biggest mistake of all – she ate my Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-cream……I don’t trust myself to take this up with her just yet… I’m going to wait until I calm down….. AH caught her going into their cupboard yesterday and taking food from there so it’s not just me that she’s doing this to. It’s not really a consolation….
3. She drinks other peoples booze without so much as a ‘by your leave’.
I don’t care what nationality you are, this is just plain bad form. It might actually be worse then not standing your round at the pub. If you want a drink but you don’t have any booze, you ask – politely, if you can have some, but she doesn’t ask, she just takes.
She drank an entire bottle of AH’s scotch the other night. It was a new bottle and she drank the whole damn thing. For such a tiny girl, she sure can bloody drink! She should have been dead or something; I’m fucked if I know how she did it.
We all used to keep our alcohol in the freezer or sitting on the bench top in the corner – we all know what’s ours and what is someone else’s so it’s never been a problem before now. However as she drinks anything in sight, we’ve all had to start keeping it in our cupboards – seeing as our cupboards aren’t safe though, I guess we’re going to have to start keeping it in our bedrooms. This seriously shits me.
4. She whinges about freezer & fridge space.
She has her part of the fridge – she has the same amount of room that I do and the freezer is only shared between 3 of us as the others use a different one. It has never been a problem before but she keeps fucking complaining about not having room… Frenchie doesn’t keep anything in there at all, I use about ½ a shelf with my stuff… that leaves her the rest of the freezer and she still bloody whinges… as if that’s not enough, she doesn’t close the fucking thing properly which means it is hardly unusual to come home and find water all over the floor where its all defrosted.
5. She leaves food out uncovered and windows open.
Why not name the cockroaches instead of just issuing a blanket invitation?????
Fucking disgusting pig.
Why do I get the feeling that it’s all going to come to a head soon??????
At 1:03 PM, May 30, 2006,
Unknown said…
this sure sounds like some excitements coming up - even as i prefer the other kind, weatherwise - this one is potentially amusing just as well. i guess this will have to do since it's unlikely the weather will change anytime soon. I know what it's like with the english weather.
I have to comment tho, with 80 quids towel colour coordinated to your hair and Harrods fresh pasta (tortellini, cheese from the top floor is an annual treat, never get to the fridge, ever!), what are you doing with this pesky peasant around?
i'd suggest you get a pair of mice and let them breed in her room.
At 12:13 AM, May 31, 2006,
Puss In Boots said…
Giggles, you know me well enough to know how I would react in such a situation! I have no idea how you put up with it for even one day. The towels would have done my head in.
At 1:14 AM, May 31, 2006,
Cazzie!!! said…
Oh man...evict the girl..."ditch the bitch"...its low to eat peoples food and use their belongings and not ask or replace it that's for sure. MY brother in law always goes to the caravan that we all share as a family for weekends if we feel like going there and we take food, non perishables and some treats that can stay in the cupboard til next time. He takes his friends there and they eat ebverything and don't replace it ever. IT came ot a head and now we don;t go to the caravan no more. We have a better place to go to now down on the peninsula..away from the whores( like cats) that family can be!!
At 10:46 AM, May 31, 2006,
Giggleworthy said…
Treespotter - If it wasn't for the fact that I would then have to live in a house with the little rodents, that would be a great idea... maybe when I move out.... Heh
Puss - You would kill her, I know!
Cazzie - At least you guys can avoid it!!! Lucky you!
At 12:14 PM, May 31, 2006,
Steph said…
Two words. Evict her.
Failing that, move out yourself. I did and I've never looked back.
At 3:01 PM, June 01, 2006,
Imelda said…
Are you sure this chick isn't an ex-lesbian Uni student? The whole thing is sounding eerily familiar...
Just wait until she takes your hairdryer and shoes!
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