The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Heathrow Injection...

I'm sure you have all heard about the Heathrow Injection.

Frankly, i was feeling a little smug that i had managed to elude it ... no more....

I noticed on the weekend that my jeans were getting a little tight - well, they are always a little firm, thats how I like them, but they were a little TOO firm if you know what I mean (although, according to D my ass has never looked better). My worksuits have also been a little snug lately so I did something I normally never do...

I got on the scales...

I have put on 5kgs.. god knows when but i suspect sometime in the last couple of weeks and that is very bad - first its 5 kgs and then its 10... before you know it I'll be one of those people who cant leave the house (Anyone else see that episode of Nip/Tuck???)


Starting today (right after I finish my mini pack of choc chip cookies) I am going on a diet... back to kickboxing for me post haste!!!


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