The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Friday, January 12, 2007

I've been what?

Betty was kind enough to tag me :-P This left me in quite a quandary, let me tell you!

I had a great deal of difficulty thinking of 5 things that y'all wouldn't know about me already (what can I say, I'm boring) but I think I've finally done it!

So, 5 things that most people wouldn't know about me....

1. I can pluck hair with my toes.

When we were little, my dad, my sister and I used to play footsies all the time. It was always M & I against him and one day my sister discovered that could pluck dad’s leg hairs with her toes. It didn’t take me long to pick it up too. Funnily enough, dad stopped wanting to play footsies not long after.

2. I have 4 scars on my body.

I am normally pretty careful and rarely injure myself so I only have 4 scars on my body –

1. on my left leg, half way down my shin from falling on some rocks while running away from my brother and his friend as they were hosing me when I was 12,
2. on my left knee from a car accident (the one and only time I have ever had stiches),
3. on the inner curve of my right breast from a dog attack when I was 4, it’s so pale you can hardly see it unless the light hits it at the right angle but it’s actually about 2 inches long and
4. one by my right eye from the same dog attack that gave me the other scar.

Surprisingly, I love dogs.

3. I love cyclones.

One of the things I loved most about living in Cairns was the cyclones. I used to run outside during the peak of them just to feel the wind and stand in the rain. My mother really didn’t like it when I did that. A really good storm will do in a pinch, but most of all, I love cyclones.

4. As a child, I was absolutely convinced that my toys came alive when I was asleep / wasn’t watching.

I had a snow white teddy bear (imaginatively named ‘Teddy’) that I tried to feed spaghetti to once, just to illustrate my point. Anyone who tried to convince me that my toys couldn’t feel was clearly an idiot and was instantly barred. I was older then I care to admit before I finally grew out of that. I blame Enid Blyton for this belief.

5. My bedroom is totally offlimits.

Even when I lived in London, no one was ever allowed into or invited into my room. I think LH made it past the door once and MH was once, possibly twice. Of my ex’s, only one of them has ever been allowed in my room, everyone after him was put in the spare room and I would sleep in there with them, rather then let them stay in my room. Since I got home, only one person has been invited to step past the doorway to my bedroom. Even my family know not to go past the doorway. I just hate people going into my room. When I see someone standing inside my bedroom, I tend to be haunted by mental images of that for ages afterwards. It’s very disturbing. My bedroom is my sanctuary.

I tag.... Whoever wants to do it. They don't bother me either way but I know some of you don't like doing meme's.... See how thoughtful I am like that??!!


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