The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Thursday, August 17, 2006

How did I get SO MUCH 'stuff' ??!!

I don't understand how I managed to get so much 'stuff' in a year.

I am on a serious 'de-clutter' kick at the moment.

SS & I got a storage unit together a while ago & I have had nothing in there all this time, I am using my time off to get rid of some crap that I don't think I need.

I am being absolutely ruthless at the moment. I am even *gasp* throwing out shoes!

*peers around looking for bolt of lightning*

I have so much crap. I am going to keep it in storage until i go home, if I haven't needed it before i go home then its not getting shipped home as i clearly don't need it.

It's quite liberating doing this, isn't it ??

In other news, I spoke to my sister and told her about leaving my job & she said she wasn't surprised - she knows me so well.

And as all good big sisters should, she has said that she'll be the one to tell my mum.

Hahahahahaha - bless her, I so didn't feel like listening to my mum have a heart attack and totally fucking stress out - she stresses me out when she does that and I just don't have the patience right now.

I hate not having a job.

How do dole bludgers do it ????????


  • At 2:11 PM, August 17, 2006, Blogger Unknown said…

    trust fund. by having a big trust fund around.

    i know a guy who has two kids and lives in a shack and not work for a year and survives better than while he had a job. i think the universe has a special role for those things.

  • At 2:26 PM, August 17, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Meh - my brother in law has a very nice trust fund but he still works.

    What do they do all day?????

  • At 6:22 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger Steph said…

    I think I'd like to find out. Except for the having no money bit. That would suck.

  • At 9:10 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    The thing is Steph, i know i can afford to take a couple of weeks off and go travelling or something, but it still freaks me out! So we'd have to be talking serious amounts of money here!

  • At 3:18 PM, August 19, 2006, Blogger Imelda said…

    I was a kept woman for 4.5 years. It gets really fucking boring. Luckily I had a kid to keep me occupied (physically but not so much mentally).

    Go travelling for a bit. You will be thankful that you did when you get back to Oz.


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