The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Fuck fuck fuck

I broke the DIY ban.

And to add insult to injury, because thats ALL I wanted to do, I couldn't get off.

Would anyone care to guess just HOW unhappy I am right now????

Proof that the universe has a sense of humour.


So, yesterday I was shopping (what a surprise) as I was standing in AP, my best friend C texted to ask if I was ok to talk, gave her a call once I left the changing rooms and started chatting away as you do... I was trying to decide which type of matching underwear I should get to go with the bra and decided to ask her opinion...

Me: Sooooo... waddya think - crotch-less or crotch-full underwear?
C: What the fuck?? Where the he- actually, no, i do not even WANT to know where you are buying your underwear from that that would be a relevant question!!!!!!!
Me: *pissing myself laughing* I thought you'd like that one....
C: Oh, i thought you were serious for a min there and that that was a choice!
Me: Actually I am and it is, I just knew how much you'd love it!

C is a little conservative. hehe.

I would like to point out that I would never have been shopping yesterday afternoon if my housemates hadn't dragged me to Selfridges for afternoon tea again (God but I am SO addicted to scones with jam & clotted cream!!!) so i blame them for all of it - especially my expanding ass & boobs and my diminishing bank balance (WHY could it not happen the other way???)

Would you take an alcoholic to a bottle shop?? I mean really, would you ?????

Ok Steph - you aren't allowed to answer that...... *grin*

Meh - off to do grocery shopping....


  • At 12:36 AM, March 20, 2006, Blogger Steph said…

    So i'm a alcamoholic now? Yayyyy! I've always wanted to do the twelve step program.!

    So, let me get this straight, cos it's monday morning, and i don't DO Monday's all that well.

    Are you saying you had a shag??? And you're telling us about fucking SCONES!!!!

    Priorties woman! Spill or die!

  • At 8:57 AM, March 20, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    No no - no shag.

    I had put a total ban on all 'fiddling with myself' (to quote your mother, i have no clue what mymother would call it - its not something I would or have ever discussed with her).

    I did that because I was trying to see if that would help - you know, starve it into submission.

    It didn't work.

    Also, the correct term is 'boozehag' thank you very much !!!

    And I happen to like scones a lot - leave me alone!!!!!

  • At 12:19 AM, March 21, 2006, Blogger Steph said…

    Giggles, don't EVER deprive yourself of a fiddle. You'll implode from the frustration.

    I like being a boozehag! And scones over sexin or EVEN fiddling? hell no!!

  • At 5:44 AM, March 21, 2006, Blogger Imelda said…

    See, I just can't do the DIY thing. That's why God invented the Booty Call.

  • At 9:00 AM, March 21, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Steph - funnily enough I very nearly did! (nearly implode) *Sigh*

    Boozehag is much easier to say when drunk then alcoholic is (anyone who doesn't agree with that, clearly hasn't been drunk enough).

    Imelda - Only works if you have someone worth making the call to.


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