The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


You know the problem with a non-job?? It leaves you too much time to think.

Seeing as my hormone levels are still through the roof at the moment, in particular, it leaves me with too much time to think about sex.

I have just been sitting here daydreaming for the last 45 mins about sex.

Care to guess what i am going to spend the other 6 hours of my day at work doing?

I'm going out of my mind.

Yesterday afternoon our team had a meeting with a total asshat about something that has absolutely nothing to do with me or my role and i spent the entire time thinking about sex.

How no one worked out what I was thinking about I have no idea - I went to the ladies straight after the meeting to scratch the itch and even before I did that, the flushed cheeks and glazed eyes should have given it away.

Last night I was lazy and took the bus home, thanks to traffic jams & roadworks I had 2 & 3/4 hours on that bus to think about sex.

Last night there was nothing on TV and I was too restless to read, so i laid in bed & thought about sex.

Admittedly, thats the perfect place to do it.

But still.

Jesus christ I need to get a hobby.



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