The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday Roundup

Friend of mine called me yesterday while I was at work & he was at the Beat (it was dollar drink night & is always a bit messy) and he was SO smashed he was barely comprehensible. From the tone of his emails today, he's in a world of hurt right now. Its so nice that it's not me for once.

I have been struggling with being over here at the moment. Now that I have started to get my shit together, I just want to come home but I also want to travel. I emailed a friend of mine (the most brutally practical man in the world) who is my big little brother and asked him for advice - he says stay, so I'm staying for the few extra months. Now I just need to get him to tell my family and friends… That’s what's really making it harder for me - I do want to come home but when everyone else is asking/begging/crying for me to come home as well its harder to say no.

Shoes still haven't arrived - I'm on tenterhooks until they do. I love lingerie, I love clothes, I love makeup and hair stuff but I WORSHIP shoes… I adore them. I can't wait to get my hands on them. I made sure to wear an outfit today that will go with them so I can change into them as soon as they arrive. Lol

Supposed to be going out tonight to a tapa's bar in Covent Garden.. I don't know if I really feel like going or not. Its so cold I think I might just go home, have some wine and read a book. See how I feel later I guess.

Not going to Ireland for St Patricks day anymore - N & T arrive in London on the 22nd and L may come over here from Dublin for that weekend instead, as A & C will be up in London that weekend as well (we all worked together back home), it promises to be an awesome weekend and is going to take every cent I can get my hands on and then some.

Spoke to MH about going to Rome next month - looks like a plan. She's been there a couple of times and knows some people there too. K2 may also come with us.

In addition to all my other fetishes, I also have a bit of a thing for watches and to prevent me from buying so many, when I turned 21 my family gave me an eco-drive (my father turned 60 the same day so he got given the matching one - isn't that cute?) for the simple reason that it never needs a battery (when the battery dies, instead of getting a new battery, I buy a new watch - this becomes expensive) sure enough, it worked - I haven't worn any other watch since - infact, it has never come off my wrist since the day I got it … until last night when it stopped…. I'm devastated….. I'm also already online looking for a new one …..

The thing that sucks most about Fridays is that all the people I normally chat to online in the morning are in Oz so when I get to work, they are out partying... Friday mornings are very sad for me … boohoo…


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