Highschool for fucktards
Once again I hesitated about posting this one, for a couple of reasons -
1. Its not my battle and I don't know all the details
2. I don't want to cause more shit for the people who are involved
However, somethings caused my protective streak to kick in again.. Sorry, but I just can't help myself sometimes. Also I figure that the shit-stirrers responsible probably don't read this and if they do, screw 'em - they are welcome to email me or post about how much I suck on their blogs. I'll probably ignore them or laugh at them but if that’s what gets them through the day...
After reading Steph & ‘Meldas post’s I am feeling a little disturbed. Why are there always people who try to ruin things for other people? What the hell is going on out there at the moment? I was disturbed when I read what was happening to Rigo - no one needs that & I instantly empathised with what was happening, coming across those posts that displayed a distinct lack of empathy or any sort of consideration for that situation at all was just plain wrong to me - no matter what had happened previously between those people, that was pretty harsh. I was disturbed when I read Stephs post as I can only wonder what must be happening behind the scenes for such a vibrant and funny person to be brought to that point and I was disturbed by Imelda's post because for someone who seems so strong and so prepared to walk their own path to actually feel the need to make that post demonstrates so clearly that its crap like this that forces many people who would like to walk their own path to instead stick to the well-established track for fear of being targeted.
This really is like high school.
And it makes just as little sense now as it did then.
I went to a private girls school that prided itself on turning out young ladies (read:snobs). I like to think that my friends from school and I are living proof that no quality control system is perfect. In my entire grade there was really only 6 people that I genuinely liked and enjoyed spending time with (there was a larger group but then one of them decided that she only wanted to be friends with 'pretty' people and some of the others agreed - we dumped their sorry asses very quickly) mainly because they were a lot like me – we didn’t run with the cliques, we had no interest in the bitching and backstabbing and we pretty much just cruised. If we had a problem with someone instead of starting some stupid rumour, we’d simply have nothing to do with them or we’d tell them what we had a problem with and why – usually quite bluntly.
Funnily enough everyone else thought we were all on drugs - no idea why as during school none of us really touched them and we found out years later that somehow we ended up being seen as a little bit rebellious – never our intention and I don’t think we ever really did anything to deserve it - explosives, breaking into classrooms, nearly killing people with practical jokes, getting accused by the Archbishop of being a cult (more on that another time) and throwing things out of windows aside, we were really very well behaved so I think that tag was very undeserved…. but I digress….
The thing is, I have always had a very simple philosophy – if you don’t like someone, don’t have anything to do with them. There’s no need to be nasty (remember, karma always comes back to bite you on the ass) but just don’t have anything to do with that person.
If I didn’t like someone in highschool, I sure as hell wasn’t going to spend my lunch hours hanging out with them and if now I don’t like someone from what little I can see of them from their blog – just as an example - then I’m not going to continue reading it.
I’m not going to bitch about it on my blog either because at the end of the day, who really gives a fuck what I think?
No one – that’s who.
No – not even you.
Ok, you may be sitting there saying ‘Well, actually Giggles, I care what you think – that’s why I am reading your blog after all!’ But you know what – there are levels of caring - you care slightly more then if the woman on the tube next to you suddenly told you about her problems and slightly less then if your best friend called you up with the same problem. Because at the end of the day you don't really know me - anymore then I really know you.
You don’t know that I have dimples (2 of em), you don’t know that I have a scar next to my right eye from a dog bite when I was a toddler, you don’t know that I have a glare that can freeze fire at 100 paces when I am pissed off and you don’t know just how much I giggle when I find something amusing.
You don’t know that I have an insatiable appetite for cherry crumble, that I broke 7 bones in my left foot in highschool and never got them set properly and now wont let them re-break the foot to fix it. You don't know that it has taken me YEARS to train myself not to bite my nails or that my childhood nickname is Grub (I so cannot believe I just admitted that, I would suggest though that none of you EVER attempt to call me that - my sister is the only one allowed to do so), you don’t know that I can be very selfish (a legacy of many younger children I am told), that I like 3 sugars in my tea and I don't drink coffee or that I can pick things up with my toes or that I like to sleep on the right hand side of the bed or that I can be incredibly bossy and what difference does it make?
Finding out that the real reason I wear high heels is because I have a height complex is hardly going to make your day. Similarly, discovering that I think that gouging my eyeballs out with a plastic spoon is preferable to watching 60 minutes is hardly going to ruin your day even if you are a mad keen Richard Carlton fan
Or at least I hope it’s not.
If so, dude, get a life….
I blog only the smallest part of who I am and everyone else out there is exactly the same. The parts of myself that I put online may be thought provoking, amusing, annoying or just plain stupid to you but that’s not all of who I am and while a positive response is somewhat gratifying (everyone likes to be liked afterall), a negative one is hardly going to show up on my care-factor radar.
There are 3 people from the blogsphere that I email – there is 1 more that I have been meaning to email but haven’t gotten there yet (yep, I’m a lazy wench too sometimes) and the reason I am keeping it minimal is simple – I don’t need the hassle.
I thoroughly enjoy blogging and reading other peoples blogs. I enjoy the interaction and am constantly entertained and amazed at the wit and intelligence of some of the people I have come across. I admire their drive and their abilities and feel that I can learn a lot from their philosophies/perspectives/attitudes but I am also wary of the dramas. I have no need of complications. I have learnt to be careful of who I allow into my life. What can you offer me and what can I offer you? If you can't feed my soul and I yours then all we are doing is draining each other - I don't need that anymore then you do.
So far as I am concerned, blogging doesn’t replace my ‘real’ life – it’s almost always entertaining, often thought provoking and its given me a chance to vent some things I needed to vent but it’s not going to take over the rest of my life and I think that’s where some people have difficulty – allow it to become too important to you and you will end up getting caught up in this little virtual world and that’s when the haters and bitchy people will get to you. Its no different to the drug world really.
If you honestly can’t keep it in perspective, is blogging (or life at all) really for you? Personally I think the bitchy blog people just don’t have enough ‘real’ problems in their ‘real’ life to keep them occupied or they are concentrating on non-issues in order to avoid having to face their real issues (once again - very similar to the drug culture). But that’s purely a personal opinion and I freely admit I may be very wrong - I don't know for sure and I have no problems admitting that.
I’d like to use a quote I used once before and my sincere apologies to the person who wrote this (not that I think they’d read this anyway, but you never know) for using it again but I not only have no interest in going back to those sites ever again, I simply can’t get onto any of them while I am at work in order to pick another one and taken out of context this really does capture it all perfectly for me –
"Dollop, I wouldn't fuck your posse of shallow, cliched, shoe-loving, toilet-fucking interweb skanks with YOUR cock, mate. So no."
Now I have been assured that I am a part of this - at least I am in good, well shod company and I’m still waiting on my bloody uniform… damn Royal Mail…. and I actually find it amusing rather then offensive (I have an odd sense of humour) but first things first, can I just point out that number one, loving shoes is not a bad thing damnit! Don’t you be knocking my love of shoes! That will upset me!
Secondly, who the hell died and made you god? Are you really so perfect that you can afford to judge ANYONE? I don’t know this person so I can’t comment on what they are like and I am sure that in actual fact they are a pretty good person - their mother loved them enough to give them a name at any rate - but even having read their blog, I would still never venture to offer such an opinion. As they don't know me and I am guessing that they don’t really 'know' some of the other people they have lumped into that category, I fail to see how they can validate that opinion and again this is only an example. But if you can't back it up, then don't say it.
No one here has any clue what anyone else has really been through – there have been a few posts recently that have really brought that home for a whole lot of people. We don’t know what motivates people, we don’t know what the root cause is and why people may choose to hide behind masks – even vapid, shallow ones – in order to hide their hurt or fears.
I don’t really understand the haters and bitchy people – its not a popularity contest – really it isn’t! In 50 years time, is it really going to matter how many hits you got per day? Is it going to matter if someone else wrote a post that was funnier or more insightful then yours? And more importantly, does it really affect your life in such a negative way that someone else out there had the courage to live their life by their own terms without worrying about society's restrictions (which were created by men long dead) or the opinions of small minded people - dare I say it - such as yourself?
Most of the people I have come across are awesome but there are some out there that aren't and even though they will probably never read this, its really them that this is aimed at.
If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it. If you don’t like someones blog, don’t read it and if person A has a problem with person B then it is not person C's responsibility to tell person B about it - persons A & B are both capable of sorting their own shit out I am sure. If person L is friends with person M and N but M & N don't like each other, don't drag L into it. If person X sleeps with person Y then person Z should get a grip - besides from the fact that its no one else's business, are you really so totally fucking ugly in your soul that you can't accept that things don't always go your own way?
If some people would pull their head out of their own ass long enough to smell the coffee, this experience would be a lot more fun for a lot more people. Its crap like this that puts a lot of would-be bloggers off I am sure and I wonder if this at least partly responsible for the recent rash of drop-outs.
Hugs to all.
1. Its not my battle and I don't know all the details
2. I don't want to cause more shit for the people who are involved
However, somethings caused my protective streak to kick in again.. Sorry, but I just can't help myself sometimes. Also I figure that the shit-stirrers responsible probably don't read this and if they do, screw 'em - they are welcome to email me or post about how much I suck on their blogs. I'll probably ignore them or laugh at them but if that’s what gets them through the day...
After reading Steph & ‘Meldas post’s I am feeling a little disturbed. Why are there always people who try to ruin things for other people? What the hell is going on out there at the moment? I was disturbed when I read what was happening to Rigo - no one needs that & I instantly empathised with what was happening, coming across those posts that displayed a distinct lack of empathy or any sort of consideration for that situation at all was just plain wrong to me - no matter what had happened previously between those people, that was pretty harsh. I was disturbed when I read Stephs post as I can only wonder what must be happening behind the scenes for such a vibrant and funny person to be brought to that point and I was disturbed by Imelda's post because for someone who seems so strong and so prepared to walk their own path to actually feel the need to make that post demonstrates so clearly that its crap like this that forces many people who would like to walk their own path to instead stick to the well-established track for fear of being targeted.
This really is like high school.
And it makes just as little sense now as it did then.
I went to a private girls school that prided itself on turning out young ladies (read:snobs). I like to think that my friends from school and I are living proof that no quality control system is perfect. In my entire grade there was really only 6 people that I genuinely liked and enjoyed spending time with (there was a larger group but then one of them decided that she only wanted to be friends with 'pretty' people and some of the others agreed - we dumped their sorry asses very quickly) mainly because they were a lot like me – we didn’t run with the cliques, we had no interest in the bitching and backstabbing and we pretty much just cruised. If we had a problem with someone instead of starting some stupid rumour, we’d simply have nothing to do with them or we’d tell them what we had a problem with and why – usually quite bluntly.
Funnily enough everyone else thought we were all on drugs - no idea why as during school none of us really touched them and we found out years later that somehow we ended up being seen as a little bit rebellious – never our intention and I don’t think we ever really did anything to deserve it - explosives, breaking into classrooms, nearly killing people with practical jokes, getting accused by the Archbishop of being a cult (more on that another time) and throwing things out of windows aside, we were really very well behaved so I think that tag was very undeserved…. but I digress….
The thing is, I have always had a very simple philosophy – if you don’t like someone, don’t have anything to do with them. There’s no need to be nasty (remember, karma always comes back to bite you on the ass) but just don’t have anything to do with that person.
If I didn’t like someone in highschool, I sure as hell wasn’t going to spend my lunch hours hanging out with them and if now I don’t like someone from what little I can see of them from their blog – just as an example - then I’m not going to continue reading it.
I’m not going to bitch about it on my blog either because at the end of the day, who really gives a fuck what I think?
No one – that’s who.
No – not even you.
Ok, you may be sitting there saying ‘Well, actually Giggles, I care what you think – that’s why I am reading your blog after all!’ But you know what – there are levels of caring - you care slightly more then if the woman on the tube next to you suddenly told you about her problems and slightly less then if your best friend called you up with the same problem. Because at the end of the day you don't really know me - anymore then I really know you.
You don’t know that I have dimples (2 of em), you don’t know that I have a scar next to my right eye from a dog bite when I was a toddler, you don’t know that I have a glare that can freeze fire at 100 paces when I am pissed off and you don’t know just how much I giggle when I find something amusing.
You don’t know that I have an insatiable appetite for cherry crumble, that I broke 7 bones in my left foot in highschool and never got them set properly and now wont let them re-break the foot to fix it. You don't know that it has taken me YEARS to train myself not to bite my nails or that my childhood nickname is Grub (I so cannot believe I just admitted that, I would suggest though that none of you EVER attempt to call me that - my sister is the only one allowed to do so), you don’t know that I can be very selfish (a legacy of many younger children I am told), that I like 3 sugars in my tea and I don't drink coffee or that I can pick things up with my toes or that I like to sleep on the right hand side of the bed or that I can be incredibly bossy and what difference does it make?
Finding out that the real reason I wear high heels is because I have a height complex is hardly going to make your day. Similarly, discovering that I think that gouging my eyeballs out with a plastic spoon is preferable to watching 60 minutes is hardly going to ruin your day even if you are a mad keen Richard Carlton fan
Or at least I hope it’s not.
If so, dude, get a life….
I blog only the smallest part of who I am and everyone else out there is exactly the same. The parts of myself that I put online may be thought provoking, amusing, annoying or just plain stupid to you but that’s not all of who I am and while a positive response is somewhat gratifying (everyone likes to be liked afterall), a negative one is hardly going to show up on my care-factor radar.
There are 3 people from the blogsphere that I email – there is 1 more that I have been meaning to email but haven’t gotten there yet (yep, I’m a lazy wench too sometimes) and the reason I am keeping it minimal is simple – I don’t need the hassle.
I thoroughly enjoy blogging and reading other peoples blogs. I enjoy the interaction and am constantly entertained and amazed at the wit and intelligence of some of the people I have come across. I admire their drive and their abilities and feel that I can learn a lot from their philosophies/perspectives/attitudes but I am also wary of the dramas. I have no need of complications. I have learnt to be careful of who I allow into my life. What can you offer me and what can I offer you? If you can't feed my soul and I yours then all we are doing is draining each other - I don't need that anymore then you do.
So far as I am concerned, blogging doesn’t replace my ‘real’ life – it’s almost always entertaining, often thought provoking and its given me a chance to vent some things I needed to vent but it’s not going to take over the rest of my life and I think that’s where some people have difficulty – allow it to become too important to you and you will end up getting caught up in this little virtual world and that’s when the haters and bitchy people will get to you. Its no different to the drug world really.
If you honestly can’t keep it in perspective, is blogging (or life at all) really for you? Personally I think the bitchy blog people just don’t have enough ‘real’ problems in their ‘real’ life to keep them occupied or they are concentrating on non-issues in order to avoid having to face their real issues (once again - very similar to the drug culture). But that’s purely a personal opinion and I freely admit I may be very wrong - I don't know for sure and I have no problems admitting that.
I’d like to use a quote I used once before and my sincere apologies to the person who wrote this (not that I think they’d read this anyway, but you never know) for using it again but I not only have no interest in going back to those sites ever again, I simply can’t get onto any of them while I am at work in order to pick another one and taken out of context this really does capture it all perfectly for me –
"Dollop, I wouldn't fuck your posse of shallow, cliched, shoe-loving, toilet-fucking interweb skanks with YOUR cock, mate. So no."
Now I have been assured that I am a part of this - at least I am in good, well shod company and I’m still waiting on my bloody uniform… damn Royal Mail…. and I actually find it amusing rather then offensive (I have an odd sense of humour) but first things first, can I just point out that number one, loving shoes is not a bad thing damnit! Don’t you be knocking my love of shoes! That will upset me!
Secondly, who the hell died and made you god? Are you really so perfect that you can afford to judge ANYONE? I don’t know this person so I can’t comment on what they are like and I am sure that in actual fact they are a pretty good person - their mother loved them enough to give them a name at any rate - but even having read their blog, I would still never venture to offer such an opinion. As they don't know me and I am guessing that they don’t really 'know' some of the other people they have lumped into that category, I fail to see how they can validate that opinion and again this is only an example. But if you can't back it up, then don't say it.
No one here has any clue what anyone else has really been through – there have been a few posts recently that have really brought that home for a whole lot of people. We don’t know what motivates people, we don’t know what the root cause is and why people may choose to hide behind masks – even vapid, shallow ones – in order to hide their hurt or fears.
I don’t really understand the haters and bitchy people – its not a popularity contest – really it isn’t! In 50 years time, is it really going to matter how many hits you got per day? Is it going to matter if someone else wrote a post that was funnier or more insightful then yours? And more importantly, does it really affect your life in such a negative way that someone else out there had the courage to live their life by their own terms without worrying about society's restrictions (which were created by men long dead) or the opinions of small minded people - dare I say it - such as yourself?
Most of the people I have come across are awesome but there are some out there that aren't and even though they will probably never read this, its really them that this is aimed at.
If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it. If you don’t like someones blog, don’t read it and if person A has a problem with person B then it is not person C's responsibility to tell person B about it - persons A & B are both capable of sorting their own shit out I am sure. If person L is friends with person M and N but M & N don't like each other, don't drag L into it. If person X sleeps with person Y then person Z should get a grip - besides from the fact that its no one else's business, are you really so totally fucking ugly in your soul that you can't accept that things don't always go your own way?
If some people would pull their head out of their own ass long enough to smell the coffee, this experience would be a lot more fun for a lot more people. Its crap like this that puts a lot of would-be bloggers off I am sure and I wonder if this at least partly responsible for the recent rash of drop-outs.
Hugs to all.
At 7:19 PM, February 28, 2006,
Nick said…
High School for Fucktards - LOL, great title.
Excellent post though - particularly the conclusion - I was always reminded as a child: "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all."
At 10:34 PM, February 28, 2006,
Puss In Boots said…
You're right, Giggles. It's when people drag other people into the situation that it gets out of hand. A & B should just deal with it themselves rather than bringing C into it, and even D, E and F.
If you have a problem with someone, than either tell them and sort it out, or ignore it and get over it.
I do find it amusing that the latest spat has so many bloggers involved, though. Such a tiny problem for what it's blown into.
At 10:38 AM, March 01, 2006,
Giggleworthy said…
Nick - as a child my sister used to whup my ass for being nasty about people. It's held over to this day..
Boysenberry - ta
Puss - amusing is one way to describe it.. I'm just scratching my head really.
At 11:43 AM, March 01, 2006,
Giggleworthy said…
Hmm... it's not a crisis, its just people really isn't it ??
You'll get situations like this IRL as well as here - at least here you can simply change the page or close down that window!
Hugs to you tfs!
At 12:18 PM, March 02, 2006,
Giggleworthy said…
Sweetie, not being a cow but seriously - if even one person reads a 'zen little comment' and takes it on board then it does change things...
No one can change whats been done but thats old history now.
Movin on people ....
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