The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Woo hoo!

I am going out to dinner tonight!

Lucky because i don't have anything in the fridge except strawberries and nothing in the freezer except vodka & schnapps....

I just allowed Kman to persuade me to go out to dinner & drinks with him (he's paying - even better!). Its a 'No-sex-belated-Valentines dinner' date ... or something - I don't know. I was too busy giving him shit about the girl he took out on Valentines Day (so stupid that she didn't even realise when he was unkind enough to pay her out on being a moron) (yes, I did get up him for that, she may be dumb but she sounds very sweet).

*sigh* He will keep going for the beautiful but brainless ones... I keep telling him - Beauty AND brains... but do you think he listens?????

Anyway, at least I'll get some hugs and kisses and have some laughs and a good meal.

Ha! One of my workmates just sent me an email....

"If it wasn't for the mischievous grin on your face anyone would think you are an extremely conscientious and hard working employee."

Hehe - that damn grin gives me away everytime - no wonder I am crap at poker!

These people keep buying Krispy Kremes - damn them all to hell!!!!


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