The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Friday, February 17, 2006

Last night

Well I’m not hung over but that’s only because I’m still a bit drunk.

I can’t see out of my right eye because its all blurry – I think I got something in it last night. And I have more hickeys / love bites then Tom Cruise at a gay pride day.

I hate that.

Suffice to say last night did not proceed as planned.

As I was about to leave work I called K2 to kill the last 10 mins and discovered that she had broken up with her man. So needless to say, she wanted to go out drinking.

I called Kman, informed him of the state of emergency and advised that he would have to be one of the girls for the night or he wasn’t allowed to come along.

Yes, I know – the fact that I was prepared to blow him off so readily makes me a bad friend – at least according to him it does - but we had that argument last night and I think I won.

Anyhoo, hit Covent Garden, went to the cocktail bar, drank a couple of bottles of wine then moved onto cocktails, had some finger food and some more cocktails at which point Kman finally got tired of telling everyone that I was his sister and K2 was his gf and told us that he was abandoning us to the winds of fate.

Who’s a slack friend now eh??? Eh ???


Anyway, after he sulked off home we chatted up the cute polish bartender who then gave us a free drink (wasn't that nice??) and spoke to a half dozen other people until we got hit on by 2 guys who were actually very cute.

Now I don’t like English men – personally I think they are too pale (I’m a fine one to talk I know) and I find them a little boring. The one that I was talking to (I have no clue what his name is) made the mistake of trying to engage me in a political debate (why do they do that? Is it to try to prove how smart they are??) I argued him into a corner and then proceeded to turn around and argue him straight back out of it – just because I was bored really – I’m more impressed by people who simply are smart then by people who try to prove they are and its never a good idea to engage me in a debate when I am drunk, I wont give in and if I am in a shit-stirring kind of mood I’ll set you up then rip the rug out from underneath your feet just because I can.

We then somehow progressed to the differences to the investment market in England -v- the investment market in Australia and then which country, India or Africa was likely to rise to be a more valuable part of the international communnity or some shit first and once again I argued one point then just as he was starting to hit his stride I pulled the rug out from underneath him and then I changed tacks and argued the other way.

From there the conversation went to medical and stories of me passing out which he admitted to being quite relieved to hear – apparently it was endearing to know there was a crack in the ball-breaker façade.

I was actually a little offended by that – I don’t think I come across as a ball breaker at all.

Apparently I am intimidating.

It took him a lot of backtracking to talk his way out of that one.

I only raised an eyebrow.

But really, it sounds like a purely personal problem to me.

When the bar shut we all headed back to mine – drank more wine and I opened a box of bbq shapes – I had stopped in at the Australia store to pick some up when we first got there and somehow while wrestling over the bbq shapes he managed to knock my wine glass flying – wine all over me, my suit and crystal & wine all over the floor, cut myself cleaning it up and I have to say it hurts like fuck today and bled quite profusely at the time.

I didn’t have sex with him - he knew I wouldn’t anyway – we had that discussion at the bar too – but did pretty much everything else so that was nice. It hasn’t ended the ‘I need sex NOW’ kick but it has taken the edge off (finally!!!).

Tat Man (I got an email about Bat man today so it works for me) had a bloody great body too. A well cut suit can hide all sorts of sins so you can never be entirely sure of what you are getting but he came up with the goods. And he had 2 tats which were oddly sexy – I don’t really like tats but whatever. Gave him my number when he asked but transposed 2 digits.. note to self – do not go back to that bar for a while…

Kman is seriously in a snit today. He’s such a child sometimes – he doesn’t want anyone else playing with his toys. He knows that if K2 hadn’t been there and he hadn’t left early then I probably would have gone home with him. He’ll get over it.. As a rule I try not to play with my friends – it can get messy.

What’s keeping me amused at the moment is that every single person I have spoken to today has commented that my eyes (which are normally a moss green) are a vivid (and apparently quite fetching) (oh how I love that word - I'm going to say it again - fetching!) emerald green today – this is probably only a surprise as they have never seen me after several hours of (very) expert attention lmao.

(Fetching! hahahaha)

Anyway, the guys went home at about 5 am so I got some sleep thank god. Hour late to work today and still feeling a little smashed. Also dying for a bacon, egg & cheese toasty… or some orange Gatorade & some KFC…

K2 has the day off. Lucky bitch.


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