The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wooooo Hooooo !

My favourite things –

6. A great waxing job
5. New stuff (shoes in particular)
4. Surprises (in general) (good ones only though please)
3. Internet banking showing me I have been paid
2. The phone banking lady telling me that I have been paid (I love her)

And at number 1 (drum roll please)

1. Peeing on a stick when I am a week late and having it come back negative.

Thank you God, Jehova, Allah, Budda, Shiva et al.

Thank you thank you thank you

All is well with the world – C is pregnant and I am not !!!!

She is actually more highly strung then I am (and lord knows, I can be a little highly strung sometimes) and she has been trying for a few months now so she was starting to get a little stressed about the whole thing.

I am so happy for her! We are all keeping out fingers crossed for a girl this time. All of my school friends have had boys so far (her hubby also has a boy from a previous relationship), even her son is hoping for a girl!

Every time I start to look like I am lacking direction (which has happened fairly frequently, I must admit), B drags me along to a psychic (she swears by them) and every single one I have ever seen has told me that I am going to have boys… No girls. At all.

Therefore, the pressure is on my friends and family to have enough girls to keep me satisfied. I want her to have a girl because then I will have another little girl to spoil and buy pink dresses and ribbons for. Not to mention toys. God I love toy shops.

I am just as happy to get down on the floor and play with cars as I am with Barbie dolls (my inner child is not very repressed, I must admit) it’s just that I am on more familiar territory with barbie dolls!

Very exciting stuff.

You know what this means, don’t you???

I'm so going shopping.


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