The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Monday, August 28, 2006

Time to surface

So, clearly I have gotten the hang of this doing nothing business.

I’m quite enjoying it. (and not just because of that)

I stay awake all night chatting to people back home and then sleep for a few hours of the morning, wake up, laze in bed for a couple of hours then get up, go watch some TV while having some breakfast (I’m on a grapefruit binge at the moment, I just adore it).

Then I usually go back to bed for a little while… drift around the house talking to everyone as they come home from work etc, talk to my housemates until they go to bed then jump online again.

Life is tough.

I really do need to pull my finger out (pfft) and actually look for a job though, 1st step is probably answering my phone when it rings, I guess it’s a bit hard for the agency to send me for interviews if they can’t get hold of me.

Sat I was going to try to go to the British Museum – didn’t make it. Stayed in bed and played instead. I am determined to get there again sometime soon though. I do so love it.

Sun I left the house (amazing!) to go to lunch with the girls. We stuffed ourselves and then headed to Selfridges, we’d been there for about an hour when K2 announced that she was hungry again (wtf??) so we all went and had afternoon tea (never let it be said that we refused food) and then continued shopping (I was so good – again!).

That afternoon, after avoiding several conversations that still sort of weirded me out a little, the girls decided that they were dragging me out for cocktails (our answer for everything - feeling a little off kilter?? Drink!). At least, we were heading for cocktails, until whilst walking to the cocktail bar, we passed a dim sum restaurant that none of us had ever noticed before and decided to stop in there for an early dinner.

It was lovely inside but the cocktail list was as average as the wait staff – in the end I got up and went and found someone to take our order (so I’m impatient – sue me!) I didn’t even drink. The food however, was fucking awesome. We ate ourselves stupid (again!) and then decided that we were tired so all rolled ourselves home.

I think I know where all my money goes – food, then booze, then shopping.

Just a sneaking suspicion.

Between the 4 of us, we spent nearly £300 on food yesterday… tell me how the hell we managed that??? Actually, I should say - ‘between the 3 of them,’ because I didn’t spend any money on food – as I am not working at the moment, no one will let me pay for anything, even when I point out that I have money in the bank etc, they still insist and K2 got quite cranky at me when I tried to pay for afternoon tea. She’s going to make a great mum one day – she scolded me!

She pointed out that I would insist on doing the same if it was one of them and I have to admit I would. Its just weird though.

MH has a date tonight that she was trying to convince K2 and I to come along on as well (go figure) but we finally convinced her that you can’t rock up on a first date with your 2 besties in tow (I mean, really, can you ???) …I am sure it will make for interesting conversation at dinner this week though.

Finally, I learnt something (shut up – it’s been known to happen).

Sharing worries and concerns with someone doesn’t always halve them – sometimes, it seems, sharing them results in their being obliterated altogether… Isn’t that interesting?

Something to remember…


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