The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Deck the halls!

I walked in this morning to find 6 Christmas cards sitting on my desk (yes, for me)… Of them, only 1 was from someone I actually ‘know’, the other 5 are from team members who I wouldn’t recognise if you offered me $100 to pick them out on the floor.

I work with these people every day but I have no clue who they are, many of them feel that they know me thanks to my weekly emails home while I was OS (I curse the day I ever started that), but really, why are they giving me cards?? I probably haven’t spoken 2 words to most of them unless I got a customer who they didn’t help and I had to fix up their errors and THAT conversation isn’t one that would make you want to give me a Christmas card.

I find that odd. I don’t give cards to people unless I mean it. I am not wasting part of a tree on you unless you mean something to me because I simply couldn’t be fucked. I don’t like the ‘token’ cards that people feel obliged to give at this time of year. The ones that I get from people I love I normally string up on ribbon in my room (to get that Christmassy feeling) but its not about making up the numbers people! Sheesh.


In other news, I went and had my nails redone last night, I got a whole 5 days out of them before I had to go back – even for me, that’s got to be some kind of record, normally I make it at least 7 days before I have to go in and get the tragic remainders taken off my fingers and new gel applied.

Anyway, where I was actually going with this was to say that while I was there, I got a new conditioner (it was pink, I am a sucker for anything that is pink) and it is the greatest conditioner EVAH.

My hair actually smells like fresh laundry!!! It’s so cool!!!! I LOVE that smell!

You know when you take clean clothes/towels/sheets off the line and they smell so fresh and clean and summery??? Well that is what my hair smells like – it’s amazing.

I ran into the office this morning because I just had to share this with someone and all the girls love it, a few of them asked me to pick some up for them the next time I have to go to the salon. It’s just so cool!!!!

I didn’t even wear perfume today as I don’t want anything interfering with the smell.

Yes, it’s the little things in life, now leave me alone while I sniff my hair….


It just doesn’t feel like Christmas this year.

It’s very distressing.

Meanwhile, this is bloody funny.
If only she'd hit him a little harder.
I just finished off a call with a polite and remarkably cheery ‘Thanks for calling xxxx (beep beep beep from the phone) *pause to be sure she's really gone* and fuck off and die you stupid whore’

It wasn’t until I heard muffled laughter from behind me that I discovered that 2 supervisors were standing behind me waiting for me to finish up and ask if I could take over for them for a while.

Errrr… sure….

Ever get the feeling I might not be suited for this job?


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