The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Monday, April 24, 2006

Reason #72 I Love My Chiro...

When I get home, screw friends and family - the first person I want to spend some quality time with is my chiro and the massage therapist who works with him...

I got my very first migraine when I was about 10 – around the age that I started falling off horses regularly, funnily enough (no, I am not a crap rider – in actual fact I’m pretty good but the horse I was riding was a bastard and I am quietly confident that it would make very good glue).

I didn’t get another migraine for a couple of years but I did get bad headaches fairly often. When I was in high school I was up at sickbay for headaches and migraines so often that Matron (a spiteful bitch if ever there was one) told me that I probably had a tumour and I was going to die - then gave me 2 panadol and told me to go back to class…

She was such a lovely woman. I enjoyed every kick and punch I landed on her when she locked me in the sickbay and tried to hold me down to have tetanus shot in grade 11.

But I digress….

It wasn’t until I finished high school that I started getting migraines on a regular basis and I tried everything – shiatsu, massage, physio – towards the end I was so desperate that my abject fear of needles didn’t even prevent me from trying acupuncture – I was just SO desperate to get rid of them.

I was getting migraines every couple of days and if I didn’t have a migraine then I had a headache so bad that I would literally be seeing double. Sometimes I would have migraines that would last for up to 12 days. One day I was at work and literally ready to throw myself off the building I was in so much pain – I’d known it was coming but I simply HAD to go to work that day, I’d had so much time off due to migraines that I simply had to go get some work done.

In the end I went to my boss and told him that I had to go – I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I called a cab to take me home and while I was waiting one of the women who sat near me told me to go to a chiro – her 9 year old daughter started getting them and they took her to a chiro and she hadn’t had one since.

I logged back in to my computer, went looking for the largest ad I could find on the yellow pages website (reason being I know how much they cost – you don’t pay out that kind of money if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it if you are not getting repeat business, you don’t get repeat business if you are crap – see, there’s a method to my madness… sometimes….) I called them up and made an appointment and caught a cab straight there.

Thus began 2 of the best hours of my life and a very passionate affair – RC is my chiro and he rocks! Seriously – he’s bloody amazing. DM is the massage therapist who works with him and he’s just as brilliant.

If they treated me any better (and were single), I’d marry them.

My first session with RC was spent putting my entire spine back into place, rotating my rib cage back to where it should be and putting my hips back in. My first session with DM reduced me to tears and left me with bruises because the knots in my back were so huge and so tight that he actually hurt himself trying to loosen them up a bit.

I am now a total convert to chiropractic treatment for the simple reason that if I hadn’t started going to the chiro, I wouldn’t be able to wear high heels anymore (it’s the heels that were causing the migraines to occur with such frequency) When at home, I go to the chiro twice a week and get an hour massage twice a week – it costs a bit but its worth it to know that I can buy these little darlings and wear them in good health and a smile that’s not drug or alcohol induced…

So pretty.


  • At 10:05 AM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Puss In Boots said…

    Dude, I want a pair of those shoes. Where can I get them?

    I also heart my chiropractor. He's an absolute champion and saves me from much pain and anguish.

  • At 10:38 AM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Dusty Admin said…

    Funny as I was always the complete opposite. I've never had a headache (with the exception of a very mild throb from concussion) and I've hated every physio I've ever had with a passion (with the exception of one of the two I had when I broke my back - she was luuuuuuuurverly!). One of the bastards nearly broke the plate in my shoulder not more than two weeks after it was put in.

    And, I think I'm coming to realise an altruism that simply states "A woman will do anything for a cute pair of strappy heels".

  • At 4:42 PM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Russ - I have no idea but either way, that horse was a prime candidate, the only good thing about it is that I can handle just about any horse now.

    Puss - sorry darl - they are only available over here - what size are you? :-)

    Dusty - CHIRO not physio - the physio didn't do shit. My chiro however is a gem. I would kiss the ground he walks on except then he'd probably have to re-adjust my spine again.

    We wont do ANYthi- ....oh.... well.... maybe... Hahahahaha

  • At 11:37 PM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Dusty Admin said…

    That must be one of the key differences between a chiro and a physio.

    One removes pain and the other loves to see you trying through it. Looks like I got the short end of the stick again.

  • At 2:12 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Puss In Boots said…

    I'm a 7 in Australian sizes.

  • At 7:39 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Indiana said…

    "A woman will do anything for a cute pair of strappy heels"

    I think Admin has hit the nail on the head...I was talking to a woman the other day (I know ~shock gasp~ a real live woman) and she pretty much said, having a guy take her shoe shopping for designer shoes was one of the top 5 pleasures in life.

    Go figure...not a mention of X-Box anywhere. ~grin~

  • At 9:44 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Dusty - get yerself a good chiro and you will understand. A good chiro shouldn't hurt either - its a shock to hear your spine going back into place, but it shouldn't actually hurt!

    Puss - 37?? I think they still had 2 pairs left in that size.... how much do you love them???

    Indy - having a man take us shopping for anything (except groceries, xbox and hardware stuff) is pretty much one of the great pleasures in life - mainly because we know most of you hate it! Its just that its extra special when its shoes!

  • At 10:30 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Puss In Boots said…

    That would depend on how much damage they do to my credit card...

  • At 2:44 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Dusty Admin said…

    Well, as the vertebrae in my back that were broken are now fused, it's a little late for me.

    I'll bear it in mind for next time though.

  • At 8:40 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Lol - yep, I'm sure it'll come in handy next time around....


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