The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Friend

Every now & then it forcibly strikes me just what a great bunch people I have as friends. I know they’re awesome, but sometimes it really hits home…

I have a friend who is without a doubt, the softest, sweetest person I know.

She is the only one of my friends that I have given this link to and she is going to be totally embarrassed to read this but it has to be said.

She is absolutely beautiful and completely unaware of the fact. She has great taste, great style and is one of those girls that is breath-taking in a ball gown and equally amazing in shorts, singlet & thongs with no makeup on & hair thrown up in a ponytail. She is smart, she is kind, she is gentle, she taught me how to crash tackle (while drunk at one of our cocktail parties). She is funny as hell, she is easygoing, she is wild on a night out, she is ditsy, she is organised, she is clueless, she never misses a trick, she is shy, she is outgoing, she is off with the fairies but down to earth and has no idea just how special a person she really is. She is a bundle of contradictions and I love her to death for it.

One thing that I love most about her is that she can see or do almost anything and it doesn’t change who she is. She still retains this air of innocence, calm and peace. She still has that softness about her. She’s been hurt in love and now doesn’t really want to get involved but she hasn’t closed herself off from other people. She’s been betrayed by people she trusted but she hasn’t become bitter or angry over it.

She is simply an angel.

She hugs me when I am cranky and I just can’t stay that way, laughs at me when I lose my temper and makes me crack up too, she cheers me up when I am sad without even having to try, she can throw me into a panic with her latest harebrained adventure or groan and bang my head on the table with a couple of well planned escapades. She exasperates me on as regular a basis as she makes me cry laughing.

She is my partner in crime – boozehag extraordinaire and the other half of SASD Inc (est 2001!! lol) and I wouldn’t change a single thing about her.

K, if you are reading this, its moments like these that I realise what a great friend you are and I love you all the more. Can’t wait to see you when I get back home.

Strawberry daiquiris are on me…



  • At 11:19 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Imelda said…

    I have a best friend like that too. She has been there with me through thick and thin. I was her bridesmaid, and if I ever got married again she would be mine. She sent me a Val Day SMS this morning, to remind me how much she loves me.

    I'm glad to hear that someone else has been equally blessed with a great bestie.


  • At 3:16 PM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Yes, I'm lucky enough to have a few like this but this one is special to me because she is the sweetest of the lot!

  • At 2:07 AM, February 15, 2006, Blogger Steph said…

    I love the saying that God compensated us for our family by giving us friends.

    I'd die without my girls. Well done yaself for sharing the bestie lurve!

  • At 9:40 AM, February 15, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Yep - sometimes we don't tell them enough.

    God gave me a sister - that makes up for the rest of my family!


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