The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I was just speaking to Uncle N - he & Aunt L had been to visit my sister recently and we were talking about the girls and how much they've grown.

Uncle N said that when he was teasing G (and she didn't like it) she gave him the filthiest look and it cracked him up because it is EXACTLY the same as the filthy look I give.

He said something about it to my sister and she agreed - that poor kid - she has my eyes (size, shape, colour, set), my shoe fetish (she's 4 years old and currently has 27 pairs of shoes - all of which fit, its not as if some of them are ones she's grown out of something), she's a girly girl and loves make-up and pretty things, she loves to swim and read. She loves music and memorises songs almost as quickly as I do (and not kiddies songs like 'the big red bus' or some shit either - she's known all the words to Robbie Williams 'Angels' since she was 2 1/2) and she's very very mischevious.

No wonder we get along so well.


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