The best laid plans of mice and men....

Gang aft agley

Friday, April 07, 2006

Friday Roundup

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY - I can't wait till X3 comes out - I just saw some pics online and I am doing a little jig in anticipation!

Someone made me laugh as I was going to have a drink of coke - that really hurts but it did solve my sinus problems. I wish I had done that yesterday now.

That's not very ladylike is it ????

It was Frenchies birthday yesterday and I was so ill I couldn't even drink. I managed half a piece of cake but that was it.

Proof I am ill - I just got offered a Krispy Kreme and my nose didn't so much as twitch when they wafted it under my nose.

Supposed to be going out for Frenchies b'day on Sat but am thinking I might give it a miss. I have spent so much money while the girls are here and I am ill so it would probably be better if I did but.. I really want to go!

It’s a matter of priorities - if I stay home & rest up, I may be feeling better by Tues night, if I go out, I will just make it worse & then I'll have to cancel.

I put on 5kgs while the girls were here (mainly from all the booze I think) so its back to the liver cleansing for me… sigh ….

11 Weeks today and I'll be heading back to Oz…… not that I am counting.


My friend C (AKA my big little brother) emailed to say he is planning to ask his gf to marry him - he started dating her 3 days after I left the country so I have never met her - I rather hope we get along as well as he thinks we will…. Very exciting stuff.

Talking to another blogger and upon exchanging first names, they said that they thought I would have a more flirty first name… I dunno what a 'flirty' first name is but now I want one!!! Any suggestions for 'flirty' first names gratefully accepted…..


  • At 3:12 AM, April 08, 2006, Blogger Steph said…

    I dunno, but if you want a vapid famewhore name, then STEPH is the go apparently! Baahahahaha!!!

  • At 3:45 AM, April 10, 2006, Blogger Puss In Boots said…

    I knew I should have taken my mother's advice on getting lessons in tact...

  • At 9:18 AM, April 10, 2006, Blogger Giggleworthy said…

    Steph - there is only one 'you' honey so at best, i would be a poor imitation *grin*

    Puss - I wasn't offended!!! I thought it was fucking hilarious!!! Besides, I've been insulted by experts in my time - it would take a concerted effort on your part to do that.

    Dollop - This kitten has claws! Careful! lol lol


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